Indecision '012

Envy isn't the word. Don't be so wrapped up in the individual that you don't see the people around you. I'd like to see us all do well. It's just not going to happen with a Republican in the White House. It seems fundamentally that everything has changed about the Republican party in the last 20 years. Reagan's too much of a liberal to be voted by today's Republican. What happened? They went batshit insane somewhere along the line because they were afraid of "losing their country." They should've embraced the differences.
It doesn't work in 2012. Won't work in 2016. Do you truly believe it'll work in 2020?

The Republican party is on the wrong path, and there will have to be a drastic change if the party is wanting to survive in a country where the minorities hold the majority. Those anchor babies will have a vote tomorrow, whether it's liked or not. So why not embrace the change rather than fighting it with vitriol and lies? Welp, whatever. Good luck bro!
I had expected a response, something something class warfare. Nothing so far. Odd.
So here's the deal: Obama wants to change the tax code. The reason Romney didn't pay more in taxes is because he made his money on investments. Obama wants to change the way that's taxed. A 30% tax to millionaires. Economic fairness. Common sense, he calls it. Who couldn't agree with that? You're a millionaire - bottom line - you pay more taxes.

This is where Eyebrows would come in and say the President's an extremists. That he wants to spend other people's money. No, what the President wants is to improve the country. I'll explain.
He warned universities that they will lose federal aid if they don't stop raising tuition, he has a plan for struggling homeowners to refinance their homes, and tax cuts for manufacturers. How? Obama is wanting to bring the work back to American shores, giving tax incentives to those who come back and build jobs here. He's taking the fight to outsourcing head on. Those who move jobs overseas would not get tax reductions.
The Republican plan is the cut, cut cut cut cut cut cut - they don't want a 30% tax on the wealthiest. Their plan is to cut education, social security. Take from the poor and give to the rich. That's asinine!
Who runs a country that way? Kings do. Dictators do. Emperors.

Obama's put men on the border, curse you sneaky Canadians. Under the President's watch, illegal border crossing went down. How now, brown cow? Or White Rabbit, I should say. btw, has anyone actually seen Colin's papers? cause, I'm just...I dunno, man...

To finance his proposals, Obama's devoted half of the money no longer being spent on U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to help rebuild here in our own country.
"Why are we at war? We could use that money for better things, here at home."
With Obama, we'll get that. The money no longer used in war funding will now go towards creating jobs and increasing competitiveness (vis-í -vis education towards those jobs). The other half of the war funds would go to help pay down the U.S. debt. I'm liking what I'm hearing, because it is the realization of common sense, yes.

And even though there seem not to be many who'd like to talk politics on the boards, I still want to hear how or why I could consider these proposals extreme? Helping the smallest percentage of American's buy their 6rd and 7th home while the majority of Americans struggle with one home, their bills and their family... that's extreme, and, as an American, that's something that I cannot be called to action to do. I honestly feel it's my duty not to help the rich suffer the poor. The argumentative stuff, I don't really care for.
Speaking of politics, in Canada we got a real doozy of a pickle going on doncha know. It all started when WE INTERUPT THIS THREAD TO BRING GR SOMETHING IT CARES ABOUT

*insert pics of asian women in bikinis here* anyway, I was like "Hey Mr. Prime Minister! How aboot you get to work eh?"
What's a Canada? Is it a type of fruit?

Yeah, I've got nothing. I'm voting Peace and Freedom in 2012!

But first I've got to register...

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