Ideas for the GameRevolution Store?

I like Chris' idea too. Plus, when we get promoted from say Drunken Master to the Crane one...more sales for you! I'd need a personal request for this one though. Please dont sell a Kung Fu Elvis one to any chump! Only to a person who actually has that amount of posts! So far, I'm only allowed a Drunken Master will not allow me to buy any higher.

I also vote for Lethean's beer stein idea.
Nick_Tan said:
Ideas for the GameRevolution Store?

Yeah, don't make one. That's a terrible idea.

Nick_Tan said:
right next to that forums link up there

Yeah, kinda how a certain other section of your site was supposed to get a link. Pretty easy to just slap one up there, isn't it? Corporate has their hand so far up your asses these days that it isn't even funny.

Seriously. It isn't.
GRZorak said:
Corporate has their hand so far up your asses these days that it isn't even funny.

I can see why, but still. It's bloody annoying.

...I'd still buy a couple GR stickers and a shirt.
the GR store is ran through Mash On, a "leading, paradigm-shifting" BS site that pushes nothing at all (from the looks of things).

So the good news, bad news is we can expect more of the same.
Ideas for the GR store?
hehehheh, funny.

"corporate" is probably just dUKE making some side deals (and why not?)
I was mainly taking a jab at GR letting Crave push them around concerning the chat. Either that or a jab at the deceit that took place between GR brass and myself, mC and the rest of the goddamn LiveChat. :lol:

But seriously, the store is a bad idea. Unless you want to give me a free GR bottle opener for my keychain. Then, you see, it's a great idea.

If dUKE was smart he would have sold foundership of the chat to a Malaysian years ago anyway ;)
Lethean said:
A GR Beer stein?!?

This. This. More this. I would totally buy this with the backwards R on one side and my post count logo on the other. I also still want a post count hoodie. That would be super cool.

GRZorak said:
But seriously, the store is a bad idea

Haha, it already happened. You're late on telling them it's a bad idea
Glass etching is surprisingly easy. If you could simply recreate the logo, it'd be easy-peasy...and copyright infringement, I bet. So glass etch your own designs.

Button pins and sew-on appliques that you could throw on messenger bags.
Anyway, I'll be ungrumpy for once today, I suppose.

Bottle openers - seriously. I read beer steins - also a good idea. Unless you're worried about offending parents, which you probably are (or Crave is, at least). Advertising pens can be pretty cheap by the 1k, and you could probably turn at least a 200% profit on trinkets such as pens, letter openers, pins, maybe even patches? Anything small and easy to put a logo on, y'know.... like those Nintendo 64/Mario 64 wristwatches that came out with the system. I'm sure people'd buy a 20 dollar GR wristwatch or something, but you never know, you could contact fossil and swatch, etc. and see how much for some classier looking ones, but still cheap none the less.

Do a few of your average round pins, or whatever the hell shape you want them, then do a set of pins (also like the Nintendo 64 pins, sorry, can't get my mind off that stuff now that I've thought about it). 4-6 in a cheap, transparent and collectible case with different color schemes, logos or whatever. (pr0tip: only offer these pins as a set, forcing buyers [nagged parents] into a corner :p)

Keyboards and mice, maybe. Gaming peripherals of all sorts. Shit, you could even have a black and red bluetooth headset. Go nuts! If it's within your budget and this site is getting a lot of traffic, then just push as much merch as you can when you can. I suppose it'll all depend on the store's revenue/popularity in the end, though, so there's really no need for me to make assumptions.

Sunglasses. Hats. Blah blah.

Hey, I'd buy a GR pocket protector! No joke, I would >.<

Along with the pens and other such bulk purchasing on your end, you could get binders for kids to feel too cool to go to school with. Backpacks, too. Lunch pails! WITH A MATCHING THERMOS!

Alright, I've had quite enough coffee today for one lifetime and I've given you quite enough bad investment ideas for a couple of lifetimes (insert women's lib joke). Time to get back to cursing at this absentee ballot and shaking my head; wouldn't want Arnie to get stuck here in the past or anything.
but that's just it. Is Gr gonna commission someone else to do their silk screen printing and glassware, or is the entire "ideas for the GR store" really a "choose and mix from the following items"?

Mash On doesn't do beer steins. But if you're creative enough you can create just about any copyright infringing t-shirt you'd like.

Or this

but without the olive fabric, what's the point!?

I do kinda want a GR football now.
They do comic books? You guys should ask MattAY if he minds if you turn his sprite comic into an actual book. An anthology if you will. And then pay him royalties. And then have him do a GR book tour where he travels to the cities the posters live in and signs the book. And comes to party with us.
i bet GR has a merchandising contract with Mash On. So gl with that beer stein.

and this topic was made in April...


Ideas for the Game Revolution Store = GR's April Fools 2010!

What do i win?

ah fuck i'm such a cynic. Had to make up for Zorak sitting this one out I suppose.

Every post in this thread advertises the store on the front page. [or not, looks like that feature's been scrapped. woops, my bad]

I'm not blaming you for trying to make more money, but it does seem our ideas have fallen on deaf ears. And if GR is in a merch contract, what was the point to this cruel joke?
Yeah, I'm rather curious as to whether or not any of our ideas are actually being pushed into fruition or not.

Like I said before, or implied at least, the store kinda sucks. Like, really badly. Like a $10 whore you gave 20 bucks to, that's how much it sucks.

And I want to support you guys by getting a cool shirt, I really do. But first you have to offer a shirt cool enough to warrant getting.
Longo_2_guns said:
And I want to support you guys by getting a cool shirt, I really do. But first you have to offer a shirt cool enough to warrant getting.

QFT. Make some shirts with some really ooooold logos from back in the DAY, BRO!

better yet, make some of the old GR frontpages into shirts, that'd be cool

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