I want your ideas for GameRevolution community posts

Paul Tamburro

Executive Editor
Staff member
Hi folks,

You may have noticed that every day we have a "community post" on GR-- Tell GR, Game Deal Tuesdays, What Are You Playing?, GR Votes (previously known as Community Wednesdays) and finally The People Speak.

As you've probably gathered from their name, these posts are intended to stir up conversation among the GR community, and features such as GR Votes have the purpose of driving people to our forums (which aren't the bustling community I'd like, and I can assure you I'm actively working on that). However, I'd like to switch it up a bit and introduce a brand new community post that would be of greater interest to you all and what better way to do that than to reach out to you and ask what you'd like to see?

So have at it: what community post would you like to see introduced to GR, that you feel would both appeal to you and the rest of GR's readers?
This is a hard one... Tell GR and GR Votes could potentially be anything, and would encompass all non-current/weekly topics.

I'm personally fond of reading about older games (but not so much retro), underappreciated games/hidden gems, non-mainstream/niche games, obscure (frequently Japanese) games. The state of the industry now is rather disheartening, since stuff that probably won't sell well never get the green light, and indie games frequently don't hit the right notes for me (probably due to limited scale/one trick pony type notions); I remember games could be totally wacky (MDK anyone?) and still make it to market!

...But, this is not community-focused. I'm not helping sorry.
This is a hard one... Tell GR and GR Votes could potentially be anything, and would encompass all non-current/weekly topics.

I'm personally fond of reading about older games (but not so much retro), underappreciated games/hidden gems, non-mainstream/niche games, obscure (frequently Japanese) games. The state of the industry now is rather disheartening, since stuff that probably won't sell well never get the green light, and indie games frequently don't hit the right notes for me (probably due to limited scale/one trick pony type notions); I remember games could be totally wacky (MDK anyone?) and still make it to market!

...But, this is not community-focused. I'm not helping sorry.
That's not a community post, but you've just inspired a new GR series. Check back later...

EDIT: New series! http://www.gamerevolution.com/featu...justice-look-1993s-underrated-genesis-classic
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I wouldn't mind having a GR Community Q&A. Each month or so highlight a community member or something.
Would need enough people for it - but perhaps have organised Playdates once a month or so. And if it becomes a hit - once a week! could do Rocket League / Destiny 2 / Overwatch etc. Or maybe time it when a new DLC / update comes out or whatever.
Battlefront 2 could be a good one to start off with?
Maybe say there's a prize for most kills in a session or something to entice people haha!

Hopefully the "quality" chat will help the community come together and get to know some of the users!
Would need enough people for it - but perhaps have organised Playdates once a month or so. And if it becomes a hit - once a week! could do Rocket League / Destiny 2 / Overwatch etc. Or maybe time it when a new DLC / update comes out or whatever.
Battlefront 2 could be a good one to start off with?
Maybe say there's a prize for most kills in a session or something to entice people haha!

Hopefully the "quality" chat will help the community come together and get to know some of the users!
In theory that's a good idea, but judging from comments it seems that the GR community's interests are so varied that being able to settle on a game would be difficult. Still, I'd encourage you to maybe create a forum post and see who would be interested in that sort of thing, if it's something you're interested in -- if you get enough numbers, then we'd certainly look into it.
I've been "consulting" Gamerevolution for almost 20 years before I ended up signing up to take part of discussions and topics I saw everytime I checked. Now I'm a member, and I feel like people have been leaving forums and hardly want to discuss things on the "long term". I tried starting a couple of thread, but I had little to no success in making people comment and carry the discussion. I feel like GR does the right things, but except for a few "hardcore" followers, discussions need to be concise, up-to-date (everyday, almost every hour) and varied. The strenght of GR's community in my opinion is the absence of trolls and people insulting each other, which differs from a lot of other sites. Maybe just keep on doing what you're doing, but continue bringing new ideas and ramping up the quantity a bit. AND, never forget about us, single player...players. Playdates are nice, but I've always been a story-driven, single player kinda guy. I believe we are more than one, but possibly less vocal than multiplayers.

Not much idea, sorry, just opinions from a long-time fan and follower!

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