I wanna go to Schimcinatti.


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Inside his botom to be preice. At that is my present to you Schimmel. Happy birthday!
That's not a moon....


As they say in Ireland, let us drink until the alcohol in our systems destroys our livers and kills us.

But seriously, happy birthday. :p
Happy birthday mate.

I would have posted a picture of a cake or something but i doubt i can outdo Wickeds one, so instead i say you should go buy yourself a cupcake and pretend it's from me. A delicious cupcake.
haha thanks for the birthday wishes guys, you're the best! And I honestly wasn't really expecting a birthday topic here this year seeing as since the summer I've maybe had 10 posts, but thanks again! Especially you, Matt, I have a SPECIAL thanks for you!
Happy B-day schimmel, I too want to say that cake made me lol. Not for the reason of the Star Wars design, but because they inserted a Bill Cosby joke in it.
I was wondering why people who never post anymore get Bday topics......But then schimmel already said it so it's OK now :)

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday schimmel!
Instead of cake from me, pre-order the complete series of ReBoot on DVD due out in 2011 and consider that my gift to you, even though you're paying for it all.
Green_Lantern said:
I was wondering why people who never post anymore get Bday topics......But then schimmel already said it so it's OK now :)

I would normally agree with you whole heartedly, but the difference I have with every other member who has since gone semi inactive is that I've been checking the boards multiple times daily and simply haven't found a topic I've wanted to post in for a while.

Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes, folks. It was a totally awesome day!

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