I think my boss wants to ****

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Guan_Yu said:
I know that your penis is telling you to go for it, and I can't say that I wouldn't be seriously considering it as you are. Hell I would probably go through with it myself because God damn, that shit sounds awesome!


I'll probably not go through with this. It was unexpected and I wanted to share my joy. It's fucking cool being at this end of the story for a change. And thanks for your advice, everyone. And C_nate, thanks a ton to you. Your stories inspired and help motivate me into fucking my way to the top! This time it'll be a guy who's whoring himself out for career advancement! :crying4: tears of joy!

I'll keep everyone posted. My fingers smell like butterscotch. (Name that movie reference?)
Find out for sure if she is leaving or just saying it for more money. If she really is leaving after the holidays like you said I would still go for it.

And I wish I could say I whored myself to the top but it really was to the bottom. Messing around with co-workers is fun, but as others have said, once things go bad and you still have to see them every day, suddenly coming to work isn't as fun as it once was.

On the flip side though, I met my wife at work and we have two beautiful children together so anything can happen.

Give love a chance!
I say don't do it. If she's is leaving for all you know it could be a setup just so she can throw out some sexual harassment lawsuit. About a year ago I got stuck with this new girl as my partner, showing her the ropes and shit. She'd always hit on me and shit like that. Me I could never do something like that. Pretty sexy girl too.

But after that she got a new partner and pulled the same shit. Long story short she tried suing the department and I had to testify against her. I love my ol lady and that's one of the main reasons I couldn't do it so my love saved my ass. All I got to say is be careful when you screw someone at work cause it might turn around and screw you.
I'm giving her hints that I'm not interested, mainly I'm walking away from her whenever we're alone together.
Looks like everything's gonna be alright. So far so good.
Meet Chris, 16 years old (at heart). After meeting his boss at an Office Party, things start getting hot and heavy in an upstairs board room. Once again, his conscience comes into play.

Icepick: Now listen to me, while you're kissin her cheek and smearin her lipstick, I slipped this in her drink. Now all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitch's earlobe.

BlackStar: Yo, your boss is just way too damn old. Plus she's got a man, it's not fair.

Icepick: Look at her bush, has it got too much hair? Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bare til she passes out and she forgot how she got there.

BlackStar: Man, ain't you even seen that movie Basic Instinct?

Icepick: No but I know her vagina will soon be extinct.

BlackStar: Shit, you really wanna hear this chick wail?

Icepick: Fuck that, hit that shit raw dawg then bail.
I get it, because I'm white I have to be Marshal, the rape promoting white guy, can't be the sensible black man, racism hurts blackstar
Dirty as in the way Matt is dirty with his asians. Not dirty in that he doesn't wash. I'm sure that he washes as much as the next person...

LOOK I'm not the racist here Blackstar is... isn't he?
Things have taken an interesting turn. They've acquiesced to her demands at the bargaining table and she's happy about that, and things are still touchy-feely between the two of us but I'm making sure we keep it in the friendzone. I find ways to talk up her marriage in a positive light, it's pretty easy. The coin is still spinning to be quite honest, but with her marriage 2 weeks away or so the sexual tension is loosening and giving way to a much more positive work-friendship. Which is good. BlackStar and Icepick were of no help.
I don't think it's a good idea. I've been in this position with a colleague but it ended up not working and shortly he left the company so I didn't have to deal with it long. You spend so long with people at work, it's like a second home. And I've had a fling with a housemate as well, it didn't work out and then we had to live together. Luckily for that we get on quite well so despite both of us being in other relationships and having them at the house, we still really get on. But a boss is different. I would be worried about that. I always think I'm being friendly but I've been told a lot that I'm overly friendly at times, I guess mostly after a drink. But what I'm trying to say, maybe she is just friendly and dosnt realise how she's coming off. Or maybe she does want to get with you. But if she's always talking highly of her fiancé, it's sad to think she would let anything happen. Gives women a bad name.

Edit Didn't realise this was so over a week old.
Dobby2244 said:
Edit Didn't realise this was so over a week old.
Today's her big day. Congrats to her. And, no, I didn't **** her. I just didn't want to. Sort of hoping this flirting dies off now, like I was her one last hurrah sort of deal. Here's something odd...she brought up the harassment guidelines (sexual harassment in the workplace) in a joking manner, laughed and said, "So you cannot hit on me or anything [because of the policy, not that didn't know that btw]," trailing off into an awkward silence, but said in a very coy, I dare say flirtatious manner of speaking. So this chick is crazy or doesn't have a clue as to how far over the line she's become. Either way, I'm pretty much turned off at this point. I like the idea of **** some ****, but this **** looks like it comes with psychological baggage. Thank you, ****, but no thank you. It's gonna suck for her husband. Unless he's into that kind of stuff, cuckolding. But if so then, sure, I'm available. Wouldn't be the first time I got dragged into s........i'm sharing way too much...
what a long and winding road
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