I have something for you...


If you're reading this and you're a member of GR that isn't UglykitteN, this is for you!


Why? 'Cause even though hell seems to have brought itself down upon us, including blinding whiteness, Duke getting the boot, and trolls running wild, you still stick around, even if you're not sure why.

Yup, despite all the doubts and the occasional silence, we've maintained the integrity of the forum with excellent discussions ranging from how you wipe your butt to more serious matters like religion. Our little community is what you make of it, and whether you've realized it or not, you've helped make it awesome.

Now, some haiku:

We have our problems,
like trolls named UglykitteN,
but we still kick a$$.

There's so much to say,
but I don't want to look gay,

Let's get the Duke back
and kill who gave him the sack.
Viva la Ferris!

If you're willing to go a step further, send an email to Duke letting him know how you feel about all of this. Ask him to let us know what's up, since we're still waiting for his manifesto. I'm sure he'll feel inspired to answer if enough of us send him a message. His email is in his profile.

http://www.gamerevolution.com/profile/v ... uke_Ferris
Duke_Ferris said:
Thanks De-Ting!

The lawyers are still working out what I am allowed to say and what I
am not. I will be posting a final Manifesto after that. Or at least
submitting one, it will be up to the corporate overlords whether or
not they will publish it. Unfortunately, there is almost no chance of
my return to GR.

After nearly 15 years, it still seems awfully strange to me, but when
I sold the company a few years ago, I knew it would only be a matter
of time.

However, I'm doing just fine. Collecting unemployment for the first
time in forever. Selling some of my office clutter (now my basement
clutter) on ebay. Going to the gym more often. Applied for a spot at
Gamepro yesterday. We'll see.

Anyway, I miss all you fine revolutionaries as well. Feel free to pass
along word from the great beyond.



There ya go. Great words from a great man. I'll let that stew around a bit.
And suddenly, this became an awesome and somewhat meaningful thread! After reading that, it is as I had suspected. What can we really let him say? I say, let him right the damn thing and then edit out what you don't like. But the part that I took the most from was this:
Duke_Ferris said:
I sold the company a few years ago, I knew it would only be a matter
of time.
You have to realize that when you sell something you made, you lose some, if not all, creative control. That being said...I hope Duke gets picked up somewhere else. His basement should be used for better things than storing office stuff.
I kind of figured it was the lawyer crap keeping him from posting. Or crave. Oh well. I hope Duke finds himself another job in the industry. He definitely has the experience and is deserving of it.

On a side note, I am kind of interested to see what stuff he'll be putting up on ebay. Just some dead rising postcards at the moment.
Where did this hate for UglyKitten come from? Is he the president of Crave or something? Or does he appear as the spokemen in their television ads during re-runs of Cheers at 4am?
More like the the giants and the phillies! Sport joke HEYYYO! (am i rad yet?)

We will remain true to GR, duke... As long as you keep that beard... He's keeping that beard, right?
Wes said:
Where did this hate for UglyKitten come from? Is he the president of Crave or something? Or does he appear as the spokemen in their television ads during re-runs of Cheers at 4am?
Worse. My arch-nemesis. You'd know if you went through some of the comments in the manifestos from a while ago, but I don't blame you for that.

He's the evil troll under the bridge. And the price for crossing? Your sanity.

Also, he's been spamming my other forum I regularly visit and moderate. He just can't leave me alone. But I guess you can't blame him. I mean, I'm so handsome, it's hard to take your eyes off of me.

NickKmet said:
On a side note, I am kind of interested to see what stuff he'll be putting up on ebay. Just some dead rising postcards at the moment.
Would be cool to pick up some awesome stuff and help him out all at the same time.

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