I had a video game esq dream last night


Everyone Wears a Mask
It was really weird but kinda cool. I was wandering around a massive facility trying to find a way out. I was dressed like a construction worker to blend in but I gave myself away trying to access parts of the facility I thought were exits but turned out just to be another room. So people looked at me suspiciously and were like, 'hey you'. Everyone else also had protective radiation gear and my arms were exposed so they kept growing lumps that I had to hide. So I knew I needed to leave before I was over come with these. The rooms had cameras with guns attached so if it caught be running they would shoot at me so I had to evade people while asked walking and parkouring over shit without tipping of the camera. Like jumping over sensors, standing on crates to get a better view of the room, etc. The dream ending with me being trapped in a room with one exit, the door I came in hiding behind a box hyperventilating hoping that the wont look over here. Then I woke up. I called it a video game dream because it felt like a functional Apperture's Laboratory mixed with my Mirror's Edge evasion ability.

Do you guys have video game type dreams? How frequently? When and what was the most memorable?

When dragon age origins came out I used to watch the Sacred Ashes trailer a lot and remember having a dream that i was casting spells on orc hordes, but they kept coming and I was too tired to keep casting so I was eventually overcome.
Only every night. I end up forgetting most of them, though.

I just had one that was me inside Nazi Zombies playing on a custom haunted mansion map...with Vanoss, Nogla, and Wildcat. Vanoss had the idea to hold down a small room, but when we started getting swarmed (there was no round intermission), I bailed, went downstairs and started defending the stairwell with a MG42. Wildcat agreed the room was terrible and joined me, then Nogla went down and got pissed at Vanoss.

So not just a video game dream, but a YouTube dream, too.
One of my most memorable gaming dreams...

From a first person perspective, I was playing a game that looked like The Elders Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I was fighting a guy who looked exactly like Link from The Legend of Zelda. Green tunic, Hylian shield, Master Sword and all. He was really, really hard. I couldn't beat him. I paused the game and bought up the inventory screen. Scrolling through my inventory, I then equipped the Fat Man mini nuclear missile launcher from Fallout 3. I fired a shell at Link and he exploded into oblivion (pun intended).

Then I woke up.

Another memorable, but weird gaming dream... when I was twelve years old, I was so pumped and excited that Diablo II was coming out, that I had a dream about it. Except... for some reason, the "Diablo II" in my dream was playing as Diablo himself, in 8-bit form, in a beach volleyball match.
I'm like Ting, dont remember any of them!

Only one I do remember is Alien being in my dreams (nightmres!)

MattAY said:
I'm like Ting, dont remember any of them!

Only one I do remember is Alien being in my dreams (nightmres!)


Thats more of a movie dream, but I'll allow it! I don't really remember them either, but the Dragon Age one has been with me for a few years in vivid detail oddly enough.
The closest (that I can recall) I've had to a video game dream is what you might call Tetris Sleep. Where I've been playing so much of a repetitive game that I'm still playing it in my mind as I fall asleep. Tetris is the most famous example but it also happened to me recently with Rogue Legacy and Mighty Switch Force.

I don't think these are dreams, really. I think they mostly occur as I'm falling asleep or I'm in very light sleep.
I've had dreams with conversation wheels. And I start getting frustrated that none of the options accurately voice what I want to express. I have this dream several times a year. My subconscious must like using it to help me deal with something.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I've had dreams with conversation wheels. And I start getting frustrated that none of the options accurately voice what I want to express. I have this dream several times a year. My subconscious must like using it to help me deal with something.

That is really weird, and its rare that when I'm playing a game like that my actual response would mirror anything closely relating to the available options. So I understand the frustration.. but what does it mean?!?!

Also - Had a zombie survival one last night at a truck stop in middle america. no weapons ANYWHERE!?! Weird.
Did you realize you were dreaming, OP? Maybe when the radiation hurt your arms you could have thought you grew muscles. I try to have lucid dreams, but usually once I realize I'm dreaming I wake up.

I had a dream where there were levers that made the entite floor move up and down. And a different dream where I was being chased by a monster truck and superhumanly outran it down the street.
I rarely realize im dreaming during a really cool dream. I have had lucid dreams before and have had control over it really quickly but then I get excited and wake myself up. I think trying to lucid dream more is going to be my New Years Resolution.
I had a dream a few nights ago that I was standing in the middle of my settlement in Fallout 4 (Sanctuary Hills) talking to my partner about what to build next to further reinforce and protect our settlement.

Too much Fallout 4.

I looked through a window and despite it being becoming very dark, like supernatural style, as the dream was originally taking place in the middle of the day. I saw a dark figure (couldn't identify them) walking towards us.

Funnily enough, I realized at that moment "This is a dream" and I honestly forced myself to wake up. In my dream, I started shaking left and right, and when I woke up, I was still shaking, but stopped shaking as I woke up.

It's funny because the dream felt so real and it didn't seem like a dream, but once I saw that darkness, I felt threatened and scared, and I suddenly knew "I have to escape" and then I did that. It's like I forced myself to wake up to escape the potential nightmare.
I don't usually dream about video games. Sometimes I dream about the revolution that VR will bring to experiencing reality. Eventually the brain believes the digital world is more important than the real world. Then I wake up.

p.s. Last time I took Valerian root(to help sleep) I had more and more intense dreams each consecutive night. The last night I had a dream I was being tortured. Like in a dungeon tortured with doctors only there to observe. Was soo lucid and real to me I had panic attacks the rest of the day.

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