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If anyone is looking for a good book, read "A Scanner Darkly" By Phillip K Dick
It is my favorite book.
danielrbischoff said:
I don't think I've ever read a Stephen King novel. If I could only read one, which would you recommend?

The Dark Tower series is great as well as the Green Mile series. I'm about 1/4 of the way through The Stand and it's started out really well, and I've heard 11/22/63 is good too.
Sourdeez said:
If anyone is looking for a good book, read "A Scanner Darkly" By Phillip K Dick
It is my favorite book.

Its on the list. The flick was great, but I hear it doesn't compare.
Sourdeez said:
If anyone is looking for a good book, read "A Scanner Darkly" By Phillip K Dick
It is my favorite book.
I love Philip K Dick. I've read Scanner, but I love Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep? and The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.
Green_Lantern said:
The Dark Tower series is great as well as the Green Mile series. I'm about 1/4 of the way through The Stand and it's started out really well, and I've heard 11/22/63 is good too.
I'll check out 11/22/63. I don't want to start anything by him that's part of a series as it'll just make me feel guilty if I drop it.

I also need to check out The Count of Monte Cristo.
I used to read quite a bit when I was younger. I'd polish off a novel in a night if I was really into it. Sadly, I do not read anywhere near as much as I should anymore. I even got myself a Kindle and put a bunch of books in it and hardly touch the thing. Between work and kids and doing misc stuff like gaming or movies, just don't really have the time.

I don't think I've ever read a Stephen King novel. If I could only read one, which would you recommend?

He used to be a favorite of mine when I was younger. Read a majority of his books.

The Eyes of the Dragon is one of my favorites of his but it pretty unlike any of his other stuff.

Honestly, his earlier works are the best. Salems Lot, It, Dead Zone, Firestarter, Carrie, Christine, The Shining, The Stand, The Talisman. After the late 90's his work took a noticeable and considerable dive in quality. To me, anyway.

And if you've seen any of the movies, read the books anyway, because they are better and in some cases very different than the movie versions.

The Dark Tower was one of his first books and is very good, but he dragged his feet and took like 30 years to complete the series it and it gets progressively worse as they go on.

I haven't read any of his latest stuff since I swore him off after the Dark Tower VII book so I don't know if they are any good or not.
I average about a book a month. I feel like that's pretty good. The last book I read was Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, by Robin Sloan. I liked it a lot. In fact, it was one of the best books I had read in a while. I would recommend it to anyone interested in the intersection of old technology and new technology.

Before that I read a book called The Illusion of Separateness, by Simon van Booy. It was a bunch of separate but interconnected narratives. I liked the guy's prose, but I felt the whole format was better done by books such as Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell (more philosophical), and A Visit From the Goon Squad, by Jennifer Egan (more hip). All in all, probably something I wouldn't have read if I didn't have to for work.

Right now I'm reading a book called The Dead Run. It's a pulpy supernatural thriller about a runner who has to smuggle the literal heart of a virgin across the Mexico-Texas border to a cult leader on behalf on a bloodthirsty Aztec god. It's by Adam Mansbach, who you might know from the children's bedtime classic Go the Fuck to Sleep. I picked up this book because I LOVED his last book, Rage is Back, which is about a legendary NYC graffiti crew that reunites for one last score, and narrated by the protagonist's estranged son. One of the best books I had read in a while. The Dead Run isn't as good, but it's a certainly a passable read.

So yeah, that's what I'm reading.
In regards to Mark Twain, I love the idea of a Southern asshole pointing out the horrible flaws of a society that he was unfortunately still I love with. It makes the enjoyable light hearted ness of his books even richer with their sardonic undertones.
This made me realize that I don't read much for recreation. Probably because when I was in school I had to power read between 200 and 400 pages every week. That killed it for me.

I'll start reading more once I start traveling more. I read the second Witcher book on my plane flights last month.
I barely ever read novels to be honest. The only thing I really read is stuff off the Internet, magazines (mostly gaming magazines) and "how to" kinda stuff.
I read pretty regularly. A lot of Hunter S. Thompson, soem James Randi, books based on video games like the Resident Evil books by S. D. Perry and the lore books for Diablo 3. I'm a fan of the old school Star Wars stuff and I've got quite a few of those book. Winston Churchill is really good. But my favorite author is also my favorite comedian. The late, great George Carlin.

Also, if anyone here isn't familiar with Stephen King's The Dark Tower series, I high;y recommend it.
I read a shit ton of manga. I should mention that.
I wish I was a reader, but I just lose interest in books since everywhere I look there's always something more interesting to do. It's just stubborness to finish my book that would keep me interested in it, so I dont really bother.
I started reading A Song of Ice and Fire after much delay. I'm like 300 pages into A Game of Thrones and I can see why it's popular. I don't love it so far, but it's really enjoyable.
Binged and bought 3 volumes of New Avengers. I like it well enough and will probably finish the arc. I like how they play with the roster and the dynamic of all these stand alone guys coming together.

Read marvel 1602. I like how again an twisted it all around but it was mostly meh.

1 volume of All new XMen and didn't like it. The time travel aspect and bringing them to face themselves just didn't di it for me.
If we're hijacking this into a comic topic:

Just started catching up on some of the New 52 books I got when they came out and have had banked ever since. I bought the first eight issues of several series that seemed interesting to me at the time.

So I started Teen Titans and Superboy. Got through Teen Titans #1-#7 and Superboy #1-#5. I really don't like them! Very, uh, juvenile. What should I have expected, I guess. But they're more simple and pedestrian than I would have imagined. I guess I'll finish the 8 issues I have though. Maybe it will get better.

Really don't like the heavy inking on the Superboy book either. Weird sorta cel-shaded style.
I've been reading a heap of the Injustice comics. I've smashed out Injustice: Gods Among Us and now I'm currently reading Injustice: Year Two. Unfortunately, they seem to take absolutely forever to release the next issue! I've been waiting for a few weeks now. :(
Oh really? Damn, fair enough aye.

I'm pretty sure Injustice: Year One was weekly... I remember downloading a comic once a week for that.

Monthly. Got it. Maybe next week then. I forget.
At least I'm pretty sure it is, since most all comics are monthly. New ones come out every Wednesday.

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