How many game have you pwned?

crash bandicoot. after the first and second i totally pwned the 3rd! plus i was a huge crash fan. i really want them release another platforming crash soon actually....i miss the little guy.
I've beaten many games, but one specific game that i absolutely owned is nhl 2004. I would win online games 14-0. it was ridiculous.
Let me see...
Red Faction
Half-Life 1
Half-Life: Redemption
Call of Duty
Red Alert 2 (Soviet Campaign)
Empire Earth (Englsh Campaign)
C&C: Generals (GLA Campaign)
Battle Realms (Wolf Campaign)
Blitzkrieg 2 (American Campaign)
That's all!
i can own anyone in DDR or guitar hero, I know that much. i gotta perfect even on bark at the moon once in medium difficulty, and 5 stars on it in hard!
(Not boasting) Hundreds. Seriously. I just think that buying a game is a waste of time if your'e not gonna go all the way and squeeze everything out of it that you possibly can.
Thats why I hate mods. They just mean more work...

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