How did you hear about GR?

Everyday GR seems to get more and more members and I keep wondering, "How did they even hear about GR?" My guess is that a majority of them Google cheat codes or walkthroughs and somehow they eventually end up here.

I was introduced to Game-revolution (way back when you HAD to put that dash in) during late 1998. I can't believe I remember this; but I was talking to one of my friends outside near our schools portable classrooms after class and I think I was asking him how about a certain game. He then told me to hit up this website and I wrote it down and everything. After a few reviews I was hooked on its harsh rating system and (whats that word for, "writing the way you speak?" yeah that word) and funny reviews.

I only recently joined because I was never knew what a forum was back in eighth grade and I also hate signing up for things. :roll:

Damnit I should've put this in the MISC Topic
I think I discovered GR back in 1997 ( it might have been 1996). It was more or less the first time I tried the internet. My school had several computers with internet connections and we were taught how to (God I hate this expression) “surf the webâ€
My friend showed me the nintendo forum one day and i made an account a long time ago but there was a problem with my cookies where i couldn't log in so i stopped coming here. Then in 2003 i joined with this name.
Googled(might've been using Altavista or something else at the time) cheats or something like that. After I always end up here for cheats/walkthroughs I read some of the articles and started coming here for them. After a while I needed help and signed to the forum, but I have been visiting the forums frequently for only about an year or so.
A long time ago me and a friend were playing a game and beat it so he went on here and got cheat codes to play through it with them.Ever since then I used GR for cheats,Reviews,and Faqs.I just joined the forums a year ago.
I was browsing the web for Spawn: Armageddon cheats (it wasn't that bad... if you were a Spawn fan), and I stumbled across the cheat section for GR. To my annoyance the cheats provided didn't work, and I signed up on the forums to ask people for help in finding cheats to the game. I was directed to Cheat Code Central, but I bookmarked this place and have been a fan for the last oh, four or five years. There have been some occasions where I thought the grades were a little too harsh, but eh, beyond those rare occasions I've pretty much trusted GR to tell me what's exactly in store for me whenever I venture forth to purchase a new game.
Used it for cheats too...then I laughed at most of the reviews...I read every review on this site at least once, and thats about it.
Two of my friends were members of this forum way back in the day, $$cashmoney$$ and blackbird and they showed it to me, too bad I'm the only one that still posts here =\
Back in '97 I googled cheats for the good old ps one, found this site and loved it. Didn't know there was forums until the big change in 2005, and I signed up .
used it for cheats for ages. then i noticed you could become a member on the day i joined.
^ same as me. I would get all my cheats from GR and signed up. I didn't participate in anything until now.
I found the site by searching for some Tomb Raider cheats 10 years ago (it appears thiss ite was popular for that). Later I found the mailbag, laughed, and just came back to the site for that. A few years later I finally noticed the forum and registered.

You know speaking of the mailbag, does GR still answer every single letter that is sent to them? I know back in the day they did, but this site is much bigger than it used to be.
My friend told me about it years ago. I liked the cheats, then came back for the reviews and previews. One day I realized I could join the forums and so I did. That was the day light was finally allowed to shine into all of your hearts, the day of grandma.
I found the site and message board in 2000 looking for strategies to beat the one winged angel form of Sephiroth in FFVII. When the new boards where put up I joined shortly afterward.

All hail Rev 23. He was awesome.

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