Hitler in WW II games


I think I posted this topic in last GR forums, but it got me wondering after playing COD 2. Why wasn't Hitler in any WW2 game? He is an important symbol, why not assinate him or some imaginary mission? Yes I know he suiciuded, supposely, but still!
I think that would actually be pretty fun; sniping Hitler and also Chemical Ali and stuff.

But you know, the soccer mom army will jump up and say "OMG Hitler! Please someone think of the children!" .... I bet most kids don't even know who Hitler IS.
Because for that youd have to be a nazi, or a spy, neither with anything to shoot but Hitler. Hitler was never in the trenches you know.
malakian said:
Because for that youd have to be a nazi, or a spy, neither with anything to shoot but Hitler. Hitler was never in the trenches you know.
I meant a make-belive level. Generals don't usually go into trenches and stuff, dunno bout Desert Fox, how did he die? Could've worked out with the Desert Campagin in COD2.
kmg0 said:
I think I posted this topic in last GR forums, but it got me wondering after playing COD 2. Why wasn't Hitler in any WW2 game? He is an important symbol, why not assinate him or some imaginary mission? Yes I know he suiciuded, supposely, but still!

Way to go at creating a time paradox in our favour!
steve_the_great said:
"he was, and he had two miniguns. Ridiculous, it was."

Who are you, yoda? :roll:


kmg0 said:
malakian said:
Because for that youd have to be a nazi, or a spy, neither with anything to shoot but Hitler. Hitler was never in the trenches you know.
I meant a make-belive level. Generals don't usually go into trenches and stuff, dunno bout Desert Fox, how did he die? Could've worked out with the Desert Campagin in COD2.

I think he shot himself too
You know, at one point one of the Allies' last-ditch assasination plans was to have to soldiers (probably OSS men) fire a bazooka at close range into one of the bunkers he frequently was in. The idea was abandoned after the failed assasination attempt in July of '44.

EDIT: Yeah, about the Desert Fox (Rommel) he did kill himself. The guys who planned the assasination attempt on Hitler had planned to put Rommel (without knowing)l in charge after they were successful, so when the massive purge of generals came that summer, Rommel was given a choice either to kill himself or be executed publicly.

He chose the former.
ZombieWasBack said:
You know, at one point one of the Allies' last-ditch assasination plans was to have to soldiers (probably OSS men) fire a bazooka at close range into one of the bunkers he frequently was in. The idea was abandoned after the failed assasination attempt in July of '44.

EDIT: Yeah, about the Desert Fox (Rommel) he did kill himself. The guys who planned the assasination attempt on Hitler had planned to put Rommel (without knowing)l in charge after they were successful, so when the massive purge of generals came that summer, Rommel was given a choice either to kill himself or be executed publicly.

He chose the former.
You mean when abe missed hitler because mr.burns hit him with the tennis ball?
putting hitler in game might be offensive to some ppl.....such as the jews
"its srpingtime for hitler and germany....."
Hitler was in Bionic Commando. Head exploding and everything. Well they did give him some ridiculous name in the US version but it was obvious that was hitler.
Man, I would love to blow hitlers head off. I could just have a pic of hitler, only have to click a button, make his head explode, and I win. If that was a game, I would play it over, and over and over.
i guess u really dont like him eh?

u know, even if we did kill hitler, instead of him being assasinated, it wont change much in time history, he still dies...

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