Hey GR, I've been meaning to ask you something

Katy Appreciation Thread

Either one of the macklemore songs (can't hold us, thrift shop), or get lucky. But other shit will be out soon, including that new Kanye album.
Optimus-Crime said:
plain jane + huge tits still = plain jane

when will the world realize this?
Sex symbol + inspirational to children = ????

She's like a real-life Betty Boop.
that's rather subjective. Just because she pops her tits out whenever there's a camera nearby doesn't make her a sex symbol. I don't find her sexy at all. And vapid is the child that Katy Perry inspired.

That British fella knew what he was doing when he divorced that cold fish.
She's a clone of a clone.
I was told Santa wasn't real and to believe in myself. If you cared at all about the children you'd tell them the same, and to not put their faith in the lyrics of some tit pushing recording artist.
danielrbischoff said:
C'mon Chris, you've got to have some hope! I mean, what does anyone do with their teenage dream?
Teenage? I knew Santa wasn't real way before double digits. InB4 someone says "Santa's not real!? *Cries and runs away.*
NORAD says that Santa is real. Optimus-Crime and UghRochester say that Santa isn't real. Who do I trust more, the people who keep the United States and Canada safe from aerial threats... or Optimus-Crime and UghRochester?

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