Here we go again (violence & video games in the media)


Flipping through the channels and caught the very end of Dr. Drew On Call on the HLN network. For those unaware, this is the network that gets off on sensationalizing trials and the such to tabloid-esque levels and have some of the most over the top talking heads on the air waves.

Dr. Drew (Who I think is an asshole that boils down most of his diagnoses of people to either drug abuse or childhood abuse or both) was talking about the case of James DMaggio who killed a woman and child and abducted a 16 year old girl before finally being killed in a shootout with authorities. You can read the whole sad story at these two links ... mber-alert ... 39607.html

So anyway, they were discussing the aftermath of this case when he brought on two women to add their insight. The bespectacled cunt in the middle (glasses automatically make you an expert on whatever subject you are currently speaking on) immediately honed in on the fact that the Ex-wife of the murderer told police that he used to like to play Everquest a lot. From the article above:

DiMaggio's former wife, who was married to him for only six months, said he didn't show any violent tendencies during that period, but instead was a "nerdy" guy who showed a keen interest in video games, in particular, the game "Everquest."

"I would complain about the virtual reality game he would play all night. It was ridiculous. It was consuming him. It was addictive," the ex-wife, who wished to remain anonymous, told HLN's Nancy Grace.

The "expert" said he obviously was detached from reality due to the number of hours he'd play and Dr. Drew made some comment about people with psychological issues seeking out those kinds of escapes or something like that. The show just aired tonight so I don't know if there is a clip of it up anywhere yet.

Seems like the media never gets tired of this shit. It's beyond insulting already. It's gotten tired and yet these so called experts love to use it whenever they have the chance.
Lien said:
How old is this news?

Translation: Not only did I not click the links, I also did not even glace at said links that included the date in the line. (It just happened the other day)

Some people still play EQ I guess. My 70 Erudite Necromancer is still there waiting for me to reactivate. Sadly for him, that day will never come.

Here's an idea, instead of ignoring sensationalist media let's give it attention and clicks! Maybe then it will go away.

Anyways, I cannot think of a single person I have met in my life in the past say 5 years that believes video games lead to violence. I can easily argue media plays a part in our expectations towards masculinity, femininity, the opposite sex and desensitizes us...But makes us violent? Poppycock.
You can't go through life ignoring things hoping they will go away. Like that creepy guy at work always talking about burning down the building.


Everyone ignored him too and look how that turned out.

These frauds with their anti-game agenda need to be called out on their shit every time they open their shitty mouths to spout more of their shit.
I'm gonna side with C_nate on that one. Haters needs to be pointed out and we need to find a way to change them. Least that's what i learn at GaymerX (GR front page article plug, wha whaaa!).
Sensationalism is done because they know they're going to get views for it, because views = money.

You want to be mad at someone, be mad at the people who feed them attention. Or write them a letter saying that you won't give them patronage and will encourage others to do the same if it continues. You want a company to listen, you aim for their pocket book, because that's ALL they care about.
Actually, if you don't give them money, they'll just start to cater for other people. People you won't be able to relate to that are easier for the company to communicate or that aren't as picky when it comes to products or article placements. And when said company makes another million from their new source and receive your letter citing you are not giving your dime, I'm gonna guess they will just scotch tape your proclamation on the fridge door next to Marmaduke. Don't call yourself the messiah of the people when you don't have their best interest at heart and don't think a boycott is the answer to everything.

Now if you want to really make a difference, accept your humility and join them or their community and change them from the inside as you convince them your way is for the best for you and them. They might learn from you and you might actually learn from them.

Now what does all what me and longo just said had to do with the intended purpose of this thread? Answer.

Let's not turn this thread around and go back in making fun of lazy journalism.
The sensationalistic aspect of the reporting is only one part of the problem though. The other part is intentionally misleading people.

Quick example (they showed this on the Daily Show as well as a few other places) was the Shark Week special that was just on Discovery last week with the Megalodon "documentary" The whole thing was made up, but 75% of the people who watched it thought it was real because of the way it was presented.

So when you have "experts" on the air saying this guy lost all touch with reality because he played an MMO too much, what are people who don't have experience with MMO's going to start thinking? It goes back to the old D&D tabletop players = Satanic Cult thing.

And yes, for some reason people still watch Nancy Grace. Going back to the Daily Show, John Stewart summed her up perfectly.
"Strategy Game.... Definitely about longevity. How to plan how to attack".. yea, because he spent hours learning elvish so he could cast a teleportation spell that allowed him to participate in a raid.. SHE ASAIN!! SHE OBVIOUSLY KNOWS ABOUT VIDYA!

I've watched all seasons of 24... I'm a seasoned Terrorist. Dorner learned everything form the military.

Give us his user/account info? Guy probably has a level 10 dwarven cleric..

The guy was an "avid Camper"...
What you think they meant:

What they actually meant:
I love the video game = reality argument.

I kick ass at F1 2012 and Forza. Means imma go out and start my race driver career tomorrow.

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