So somebody had some funun tonight and I haven't posted ina while cause I have been busy in the past weekzs. I had a test, shit load of homeowrk and a stupid paper to write about bulack music and hows its used in stage and film productiosn so I decided to celebrate being free for the weekend. I figured I joined the club of those whose posted while under a influence............. Deus Ex HR isn't that great to be honest, I returned it tonight in hopes of getting syndicate ut if I dont get that I'll get something else. At my university they have a campus radio station and I have my own shoow and it's really cool. Next time I won't log into my computer...... Probably or the best if I don't go on my computer. Tight community here better than that shit place called spotgame. My birthday is in June
Now I leave you with this:::
Now I leave you with this:::