GTA IV = A-? Something wicked this way comes...

A- isn't really a terrible score, and since the real point to the game was: GTA on Next-gen consoles, I say yay!
I'm sick of hooking up my Ps2 when I need to kill a hooker, of course now I have it for PC, but still, The fact remains. I want next-gen hookers. And not Saint's Row, that was a clone of GTA, even if was an Above Average clone, I want to kill hookers with city I first killed a hooker in, Liberty City. :p
I say good review now I know what to expect if/when I pick GTA IV up.
why the A-?
a demo, and dated+ugly PSP game has the same grade.
sure, it has it's flaws, but for the love of's better than prologue.

but the major thing that hits me?
not innovative?
DUHH, NONE of the GTA games were massively innovative (apart from 3), they are mean't to be like the old ones, one the simple fact that it's not broken, therefore, why in hell fix it?

..considering vice city got a higher grade, even though it added LESS than GTA IV did, i think the game deserves an A.
madster111 said:
why the A-?
a demo, and dated+ugly PSP game has the same grade.
sure, it has it's flaws, but for the love of f***'s better than prologue.

but the major thing that hits me?
not innovative?
DUHH, NONE of the GTA games were massively innovative (apart from 3), they are mean't to be like the old ones, one the simple fact that it's not broken, therefore, why in hell fix it?

..considering vice city got a higher grade, even though it added LESS than GTA IV did, i think the game deserves an A.

considering it's you we're..just...not going to listen.

Sorry. :cry:
I think you should stop trying to get a fair grade adjusted to generous ones and work the other way round.
JP_Hurh said:
Just to be precise, he said that he doesn't read other reviews before playing the game. I think he probably read the reviews after playing but before writing. I hope that's clear.
A bit too precise.

To emend you emendation, and retroactively emend my initial, um, "mend," I actually do hold off on reading reviews until after I've written mine.
Jesse_Costantino said:
JP_Hurh said:
Just to be precise, he said that he doesn't read other reviews before playing the game. I think he probably read the reviews after playing but before writing. I hope that's clear.
A bit too precise.

To emend you emendation, and retroactively emend my initial, um, "mend," I actually do hold off on reading reviews until after I've written mine.

Count it!
Wow, lots of comments.

Jesse, overall good review, though it did take into account that people had been paying attention to the hype. In the atmosphere surrounding the game and the average reader on this site, that's a totally legit way to go about it.

A- is exactly the grade I'd give it. Honestly, I liked GTA3 and Vice City better than GTA4. I felt like they were more revolutionary.

Of course, I'm still wondering why they removed the taking over businesses that they had in Vice City. I loved doing the missions to take over the businesses. Felt like I was really making the city mine.
They went for drama as opposed to a traditional "The World is Yours" storyline. In this way it was more akin to GTA III than Vice City/San Andreas.

I have to say I'm surprised by this review, mainly because I didn't think it would receive such a high score considering the review itself was 80% negative. I'm not asking for heads ona stick or anything, because since I own the game--I know better. For me, GTA IV is great, godly, wonderful, and if it were anatomically correct... er... I'll stop there.

The point is, the reason people are up in arms is because, based on the words written about GTA IV, it should've gotten a much, much lower grade. As it stands it sounds like Jesse wrote an honest opinion, and then slapped an A- on it in hopes it'd shut people up.

Just my take on it, anyway.
I thought comments like:

"Everybody knows this is a game worth playing and that you should run out and get it"


"GTA IV has more content for your buck than pretty much anything else out there, and it has more variety, more freedom, and more soul than any other game this generation."

...made things fairly clear.

joeblow said:
I thought comments like:

"Everybody knows this is a game worth playing and that you should run out and get it"


"GTA IV has more content for your buck than pretty much anything else out there, and it has more variety, more freedom, and more soul than any other game this generation."

...made things fairly clear.


Guess they want paragraphs, not sentences. :roll:
It's sad how much stock is put into the grade of a game, and not the rest of the content in the review.
^Yeah. Also I think that its important to kick GTA IV in the proverbials - i just noticed the fact I've not seen one bus on the road, but I've seen people waiting at bus stops. Come on, even 3 had buses.
Throughout the review, the reviewer criticizes the game for its many failures. In the end, however, it still receives an A-. Can anyone explain the logic of that to me? Do game reviewers have no sense of objectivity or are they simply blinded by the almighty dollar?
Okay, now I'm starting to get the feeling people are jumping on the GTAIV hate wagon. I've been playing the game for a good 10 hours and I'm still discovering new animations and behaviors courtesy of Rockstar's incredible attention to detail. The arguments being brought up are incredibly nitpicky. Comparing GTAIV to GTAIII is a little silly to me because GTAIV makes GTAIII look like a hollowed out shit.
I'm giving it a minus point when I finish my member review since it seems to be one of the many, many things that inspires my father to yell at me over his own problems. I don't know why your e-mail account is locked dad, I don't work for google. "BUT I NEED TO READ MY E-MAILS!" Well fuck off and contact their support team. Only happens when im playing gta. :(
-FCM- said:
Okay, now I'm starting to get the feeling people are jumping on the GTAIV hate wagon. I've been playing the game for a good 10 hours and I'm still discovering new animations and behaviors courtesy of Rockstar's incredible attention to detail. The arguments being brought up are incredibly nitpicky. Comparing GTAIV to GTAIII is a little silly to me because GTAIV makes GTAIII look like a hollowed out s***.

But at the time GTAIII was revolutionary. Of course the new game makes the old game look crappy. I like nitpicky; if the review doesn't nitpick, then it might make me run out and buy a good game that lacks a key feature (like Sins of a solar empire's lack of a single player campaign/story). Doesn't make it less of a good game, but it's not suited to my tastes, nor someone else.

Also, you're going to see newer and newer animations everyday because that's how the physics engine works which wasn't made by rockstar just incorporated by rockstar. So that "attention to detail' award doesn't go to rockstar.

The fact that Rockstar and LucasArts(the forced unleashed) are using that engine and shafting the PC gamers (again) is another little nibble though, I'd knock it down to a B+ just for that being lucasarts and Rockstar started on the PC and continue to be pricks to us.

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