GRumble 2014: Enter the Entries

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I said I'd do it, so here it goes.

In case you didn't know, GRumble is a special time where our lovely community faces off in gratuitous voting and name-calling until someone comes...out on top.

By posting in this thread, you agree to participate as a contestant in this GRand event. You will be put up against other entrants and the community will vote for their favorite. Secure enough votes in each round to move on to the next. You also agree to allow me to use your likeness in any promotional content for the duration of the GRumble, should I choose to do so.

This year, there will be a team event, but you do not get to choose your team. You will be paired with another contestant, and voters will decide which pair is their favorite. You will then be paired with a different partner, and the process will repeat until a winning team is crowned.
I'm truly sorry for the unlucky asshat that gets paired with me

unless it's one of the dipshits from the front page, I'll burn GR's HQ to the ground before I assist in the acknowledgment that they're human beings
De-Ting said:
This year, there will be a team event, but you do not get to choose your team. You will be paired with another contestant, and voters will decide which pair is their favorite. You will then be paired with a different partner, and the process will repeat until a winning team is crowned.
Wait, how does that work? So everyone gets new partners until a team of partners wins? Half the fun of the GRumble is picking a partner and then coming up with a clever and fun name.

I throw my name in, but still.
All in.

Longo_2_guns said:
De-Ting said:
This year, there will be a team event, but you do not get to choose your team. You will be paired with another contestant, and voters will decide which pair is their favorite. You will then be paired with a different partner, and the process will repeat until a winning team is crowned.
Wait, how does that work? So everyone gets new partners until a team of partners wins? Half the fun of the GRumble is picking a partner and then coming up with a clever and fun name.

I throw my name in, but still.

Yeah that makes no sense. That's basically still Singles.
I see what Tingy's doing. Trying to mix it up to avoid the doubles getting stale. Random partners every time adds an almost "excitement" (if that's the fucking word), as to who will be paired up with who in the last 4 for example.
"COME ON PLEASE BE BRET!" ...That sort of thing.
MattAY said:
I see what Tingy's doing. Trying to mix it up to avoid the doubles getting stale. Random partners every time adds an almost "excitement" (if that's the fucking word), as to who will be paired up with who in the last 4 for example.
"COME ON PLEASE BE BRET!" ...That sort of thing.
Yeah, and sounds highly fixed.
I'm sure Tingy will use a randomizer, or whatever the fuck they are.

And don't forget I can fix matches however I want with the edit button, pal ;)
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