GR Gamepost's top 100 favorite games: The Countup Begins

FF8 #1? Well that certainly took me by surprise! Even though it isn't actually my all-time favourite game, that verdict still brought tears of joy to my eyes! Simply because, my formative years on this message board were spent in the RPG forum, getting (for want of a better word) flamed by members of The Cult Of Final Fantasy VII for suggesting that their sacred little game was actually inferior, IMO at least, to the more supreme follow-up Final Fantasy VIII. So seeing FF8 at the top of Gamepost's Top 100 Games list makes me feel almost unbelievably smug heheh! If only I could go back in time and show the RPG Forum circa 2002/2003 THIS! :wink:

But anyways, that's a great choice for the top of a very good list actually IMO. There's a few things here and there I don't agree with exactly, but ultimately, I can't really argue with public opinion, so I'm happy with the list as a whole. Congratulations to Joker for all his hard work to create this list, you did a excellent job my friend! :)
Wes said:
LOL, I get angry with a lot of fanboys posts, but for some reason MC, yours always makes me laugh.

Probably because I'm never totally serious.
I <3 Silent Hill more than my own life, and totally dislike RE very much, and I make sure it's known every chance I get, however I do realize not everyone feels the same way, and I would never expect everyone to. That's why the majority of the times when I'm openly bashing RE, I do it playfully.
When you look closely at my thoughts on the issues, you will realize I'm not just some blind idiotic fanboy. Hence the ;)
Okay. That's it. Time to see what all the fuss is about.

I'm currently in the middle of a game of Fatal Frame 2, so I'm going to put a rush on completing this, and as soon as I'm done, I'm going out and renting RE4. I will see what makes this game (according to the GR poll) so much better than the Silent Hill games.
There was actually one big surprise when I finished playing RE4 - total playing time. I can't remember exactly but it took me about 25-30 hours to finish it. Weird because while playing I was kind of worried that it will end too soon but that wasn't the case. So be ready for a long ride. It would be interesting to read masterchris' thoughts about that game for sure. :D

FF8 is one of the best games ever made and nr.1 position here is well deserved and justified.
I hate FF8 and FF7. However, Oot, RE4 and MGS are all absolutely solid games. By the way, NHL 1996 best sports game? I think so. Woot.
masterchris said:
Okay. That's it. Time to see what all the fuss is about.

I'm currently in the middle of a game of Fatal Frame 2, so I'm going to put a rush on completing this, and as soon as I'm done, I'm going out and renting RE4. I will see what makes this game (according to the GR poll) so much better than the Silent Hill games.

I don't know if that's such a good choice. RE4 is so far removed from the rest of the series its practically a different game. If the protagonist had been called Dave and Ada be a blonde cow-girl named Tina, the game could have passed as an entirely different game. Its a new story arc, the zombies are gone, everything connected to the RE series except three past characters who just happen to be there (four if you include hunk) are involved. The control scheme is completley different, it really is a different game. Its a great game, but I wouldn't suggest using it as the decider on the Resident Evil series...becuase its not really Resident Evil. Only the ending made it slightly RE. :/
No no no, you misunderstand.
I want to see what all the fuss about Resident Evil 4 is all about.
I'm already versed in the rest of the Resident Evil series, having played RE2, RE:CVX (briefly) and RE:Outbreak (briefly). Those three games are what draws me to the conclusion that I do not like the Resident Evil series, but since everyone says RE4 is so wonderful and so removed from the rest of the series, then perhaps it has some redeeming qualities I may enjoy. This is why I want to play RE4. I already know what the rest of the series is like.
Heh, I can see MC playing this game up to the village, dying a bunch of times and saying F*** this.
Hey! I had a tough time at first. It was the damn chainsaw lady that was a pain in the ass. She just would not die! Keep in mind I didn't find the shotgun untill after that first onslaught.
Heh, rule no.1 of zombie encounters is to be on the move at all times. When the chainsaw freaks arrive, leg it and get yourself onto a rooftop fast, then just shotgun them in the face a few times while they climb the ladders, once they're on the roof, jump down and get some room between you and them before firing off some more rounds and dropping them.
I found it really strange that in RE 4 you can't shoot while running. Have to stop, aim and then kill - just like in previous RE games. It was okay back then but now as a pure 3rd person shooter it' just plain stupid. Also no crouching, strafing, jumping...Why not make a next game Leon being in a wheelchair, it's almost the same ffs.
I shot those bastards in the leg and ran away and then repeated. I couldn't believe how long it took to kill them when i first saw them.

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