GR Game


This stems off of a topic in Grandmasters.

If there were a GR video game, tell us what you think it would be like. Genre, main characters, protagonist, antagonist, plot, final boss, other bosses, everything involved in a game.

I'll post mine after I've mulled it over a bit.
Think Super Punch out. Duke Ferris is the character you play and you fight 9 different versions of Jack Thompson, each time he comes back with a different 'trick' to try and cheat his way to victory and you basically punch him in the face and stomach. You get a super punch that does more damage and makes him cry.
we can have longo as the little minions that try to stop you from killing jack thompson?
oh..wait..even longo hates jack thompson.
I think it would be about Duke being captured, and GR Staff members unite with other people to save him amd eventually the whole video game community in a traditional RPG way. The final boss would be CNet who decided to destroy video game reviewing by capturing all the reviewers on the internet and replacing them with robot look-alikes programmed to give every game perfect scores. This remains unknown till the near the end. But all that is known is that a terrorist group is attacking various cities (websites). Since GR is a smaller than Gamespot or IGN, it is attacked later than many of the others. They get a message simply stating "Hide". Before any action can be done a group of soldiers bust in and kidnap Duke as well as many other staff members. Nick, Joe, and one other person escape through a portal that Joe created and have to fight to save the world.

Soon you team up with three other characters who represent Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Joe will be a Mage, both black and white, and one of his specials will be Reprogram, where he decreases all of an opponents stats. Nick will be a thief/ninja and will be able to poison enemies. The Microsoft guy will be a gunner, with the Red Ring special ability which will have a 1/3 chance of an instant kill. The Sony guy will be a knight with a Blu-ray attack that would be like a Shoop-Da-Whoop for humor. And the Nintendo character would be a fighter with nunchuks.

And Jack Thompson would be an optional boss, but as you fight him your money slowly disappears, and when you run out the battle is over.
This is a tricky one. I'd organize levels/stages based on reviews, i.e. you go through the Halo3 stage and it looks and sounds and maybe plays like Halo. You then go into a game that got a negative review, and the game play is horrible. Your health is beer, the sweet taste of GR's own label refills your health and buzz meter respectively. The plot would have to be something along the lines, of the GR building has been raided, by lets say a a fictitious group, Mother's Against Gaming, led by Jack Thompson. They do something screwy to the server and the world is set up so my stage/level style works You play as Duke who wakes up with a hangover in a field as he was out drinking the night before and doesn't know of the raid. He checks his messages on his cell phone, and learns that its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and he's all out of gum.

Thats that in a nutshell
GR turn evil! turning members into zombies from their experiments to make super-reviwers. you must infiltrate and stop them all! bosses start with mods such as maca, jcd and used etc. then they move on up to the reviwers, but they are now successfully converted super-reviwers. joeblow is the professor behind the whole thing, duke being his mega-super-reviwer assistant.

fought in a resident evil/mgs style. and of course, chainsaws are present.
I'll be the hidden Boss/Summon/Esper that you have to defeat to gain access to, i'll be equivalent to Odin in FFVIII, and Knights of the Round in FFVII.
you can all have chainsaws, even urban-odin gets one. infact - a feature of my game will be customizable chainsaws!

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