GR Community Podcast (Beta) - Episode 1: Thanksgiving NOW UP

OK! Monday everyone meet in the chat!

-If a film was made about Longo's Life should David Lynch direct? Or would that be too weird for Lynch?
-Why are there no white M&M's?
-Obama or Romney; who would win in a game of Halo?
-Is Matt recording this?
-Vote now to see Brett Gagnam Style.
-Will De-Ting ever feel again after his sig is bashed?
-Is Urbz going to stop banging white girls and post more often?
-And finally, why am I the only one here again? Time to bug Anika.
danielrbischoff said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
MattAY said:
Come on Longo, we all know how vain you are.
Ha, yeah, you probably thought this thread was about you. Cuz you're so vain.
Yeah, you walked into the thread like you were walking onto a yacht

Holy fuck that song is just a crazy woman's angry ramblings, isn't it?

Isn't every song a woman sings just their crazy angry ramblings? I'm looking at you Fiona, Alanis, Merideth, Sinead, Natalie (Imbruglia & Merchant), Melissa, Sheryl, K.D., Joan, Lisa, Liz, Jewel...
Longo_2_guns said:
I don't know. All I understand is this is some weird thread about me.


By the way, I'll be recording - I'll answer that now bitches.
MattAY said:
Longo_2_guns said:
I don't know. All I understand is this is some weird thread about me.


By the way, we'll be recording - I'll answer that now bitches.
Fix'd! I would love to talk with you about Halo: Forward Unto Dawn.
We should answer all those questions WL posted.
Alright folks. Here's our first GR Community Podcast. Joining us is...
Sightless: A mysterious user revealing herself.
MattAY: The British lad who fancies anime/manga
Affen: Our Finnish friend, who sleepwalks

I would post show notes, but ain't got to time. I'm playing Halo 4!
Click the link and select "Download file" it looks like an ad. You will have to enter captions Unless someone else can share with me a good place to host large files for free. ... vember2012
That was exciting.

Why wasn't I invited? I am a very active member of the community.
I think you were invited. I hear you like to hide, so perhaps that's why you weren't part of it. You're always welcome to join in the fun whenever you like! Please no more rocket dildos, though.
Yeah, you were meant to be IN IT talking about your questions with us, Quidboy :p
Just putting these here for reminder. Courtesy of WickedLiquid.

Question 1: Can garlic bread be considered a full meal?

Question 2: If there was nothing left in the world to drink except prune juice, would you rather die of dehydration?

Question 3: If you were an Avenger, which one would you like to be? And which one would you want to be BFF's with?

Question 4: If the world ended on December 20th, what would you do on the 19th?

Question 5: Would you rather get AIDS or live in a small room with madster for 72 hours?
Affen said:
Just putting these here for reminder. Courtesy of WickedLiquid

Question 5: Would you rather get AIDS or live in a small room with madster for 72 hours?
bahaha, Wicked, you're turning into a jackass, what have the mods done to you?

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