Games you hate that "everyone" loves


For me it's any sports game ('cause I hate sports in general :-\ ), and Splinter Cell. The latter really gets me because it's so frickin' impossible for me to be patient about anything -- much less waiting for some #$%@%^ guard to finish his patrol, with two cigarette breaks therein, as I lurk in the bushes. C'mon, just let me blow him away NOW.
I always hated those "real life" first person shooters like the Rainbow Six games and Operation Flashpoint. Walk for five minutes, crawl for ten minutes, stand up for a quarter second and get your head blown off. Wheres the fun in that? Also, I'm getting REALLY sick of World War II "American 101st Paratroopers Behind German Lines" games. Play the first chaper of Call of Duty, you've played 'em all.

I'm also pretty sick of ragdoll physics. I think bodies slowly sliding across the floor after they flop down is lame. Lets see some variety in deaths! Now that would be realistic.
Rag Doll physics are awesome when done right. Take Max Payne 2 for example.

I dont like sports games unless i'm playing them with friends. Say on a multi-tap. Then they're fun.
I never really understood the craze behind Pokemon games. Maybe that's because I hate that stupid yellow mouse thing and that little wiener kid with the backpack.
Hexagram said:
Heh, the ignorant statement about the show was a joke, but I do hate the games.

Seriously though, I don't get it.. I don't know anyone that DOESN'T LOVE pokemon !! :\ maybe its how you were raised
Or maybe some people don't like Pokemon because it's simply irrating?

I'd rather become a heroin junkie and sell my body to fat whores then play Pokemon.

But nevermind Pokemon, I can't stand Final Fantasy games. 7 and 8 were okay but I don't love them like everyone else does. Espeically 7, damn, people go insane if you simply mention that you don't like it.
Even though I play it...Alot...I hate World of Warcraft.

I hate those "thug" games alpha males with no taste buy such as 50 Cent Bulletproof, I hate hunting games and hockey games.
MrHimashi said:
Seriously though, I don't get it.. I don't know anyone that DOESN'T LOVE pokemon !! :\ maybe its how you were raised

That could be it. See, I wasn't raised to play kids games or watch kids shows on TV when I was 18.
masterchris said:
MrHimashi said:
Seriously though, I don't get it.. I don't know anyone that DOESN'T LOVE pokemon !! :\ maybe its how you were raised

That could be it. See, I wasn't raised to play kids games or watch kids shows on TV when I was 18.


I'm tired of bloody 18 year olds coming into my damn store asking me for pokemon cards or some stupid shit. Ok, the games? I can see since ALOT are roleplaying games. But the really stupid ones clearly aimed for kids...I don't see the joy out of that. I loved Teddy Ruxpin as a kid but if there was a Teddy Ruxpin learns the A B C's...I'd feel like I was taking a step back mentally if I played it.

Now if there was "Teddy Ruxpin learns the A B Cs with his tongue on her..." then I'd play it.
Now don't get me wrong (*puts on his flame retardant suit*), I do enjoy anime. And I do enjoy some games of a childish nature (Mario 2 anyone? Or how about some Doki Doki Panic? :p). But for some reason, Pokemon just seems too retarded for me. Too childish.
And I do have to laugh at the older teens and the younger adults around my ago who still sat in circles on the floor in my high school over lunch and played Magic, or whatever the fad was then.
masterchris said:
Now don't get me wrong (*puts on his flame retardant suit*), I do enjoy anime. And I do enjoy some games of a childish nature (Mario 2 anyone? Or how about some Doki Doki Panic? :p). But for some reason, Pokemon just seems too retarded for me. Too childish.
And I do have to laugh at the older teens and the younger adults around my ago who still sat in circles on the floor in my high school over lunch and played Magic, or whatever the fad was then.

They did it at your school too huh?

Yeah. I never got that. And they always sat in a hall that was somewhat hard to get to or secluded. And I don't know about you...But these kids always had at least one person who sat there watching them play Magic while he indulged in a little game boy/game boy colour with his...Pokemon game!
Ah, see, in my high school, they just formed a circle right in the middle of the highest-traffic hallway they could find. :roll:

OMG, there were kids like that in my high school to! Sitting in a circle playing Magic. Whenever I think I'm a bit too nerdy I can always feel better knowing I wasn't those guys.

I love that South Park episode where Japan tries to warp the mins of the kids through Pokemon. And who can forget Bill Cosby's explanation of Pokemon?
Mind you, my friends and I sat on the floor during lunch. The cafeteria was too crowded, and we had a nice little alcove in front of the elevator we always sat in. Now here's the biggest things seperating us from them: we didn't play Magic, or any card games for that matter, the people I sat with were actually cool, and nobody ever brought out a gameboy or any other form of handheld videogame system.

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