Games that would make good Let's Play episodes

I can't play through the entirety of Skyrim. We did a few episodes of that when it came out, but I would rather watch a Let's Play series that always did a different game and covered some high level points while you got to see some gameplay. I'm just throwing these ideas around currently but if we were to start up a regular Let's Play series on GR, what games would guys want to see?

Just-released games the week they come out or games from a few months back or classic games with a modern commentary take on them?
Walking dead. But make sure it's played by someone who never played the game before while some GR staff comments behind. Make sure someone says "are you SUUUUUUURRRE you want to do this?" at every decisions.

But if ya want to do classics, Do actraiser. Not a lot of let's play on this and It'll be hilarious if the GR staff is drunk and sings the BGM.

And if somehow... you do manage to get the server up, do a four player mode Simcity game. Comment on what you think makes a perfect GR city and last one to destroy their city with a disaster wins the let's play.
Lien said:
And if somehow... you do manage to get the server up, do a four player mode Simcity game. Comment on what you think makes a perfect GR city and last one to destroy their city with a disaster wins the let's play.
Wait, people actually bought Sim City?

And you should do one of MGR.
I reckon do a modern one and a classic one! Modern would be a recently released game, and Classic would be a classic of your choice I guess!

MattAY said:
I reckon do a modern one and a classic one! Modern would be a recently released game, and Classic would be a classic of your choice I guess!

Haha, I watched some of yours.

I would love to see Let's Play videos on games dealing with puzzles or any games that needs strategy. Seems to me frustration and stress always makes comedy. ICO pissed me of a few times and Shadow of the Colossus got me really frustrated.
Always seemed to me that the best Let's Play are games that are procedural - that are different every time. Civ5, Crusader Kings, SimCity, Endless Space etc where no two games are the same. That way, each Youtuber is sharing a unique experience that I cannot buy/reproduce.

Of course, I favor those games in taste and playing myself, so my logical argument may just be personal bias.
^ That's a good point. Far Cry 3 would be good since outposts could be different everytime.
IMO, games that has co-op multiplayer like Minecraft, Terria, etc make great Let's Play videos because it's just friends having fun. Sandbox box games and games that require a bit of technical skill (like KSP) that you're somewhat teaching the watchers also make great Let's Play videos.
If you have the ability to do just-released games, then go for it. It'll definitely get more people interested, I think. I would watch any LP you guys do, though. Especially if drunkenness is involved. ;)

If you're going to do an older game or one that has been done several times, you'll have to incorporate something interesting, like a certain approach, imposed limitations, special conditions, or tricks.

Like MattAY says, you can always do a mix! New game, then an older game. Making life spicy.
I would prefer newer, just-released games but I think the most important thing is that they are games that you guys actually like &/or are passionate about.
I think Let's Play videos with new games released around launch are always fun.

My brother and I wanted to make Let's Play videos, a few minutes each or so, a bit of improvised humour and normal talk, that kinda thing. I can't watch a Let's Play that goes for ten minutes or more.

Dark Souls would make a great Let's Play, due to the difficulty and the possibility of dying over and over again.

ZombiU would make an excellent Let's Play as well, for the same reasons as Dark Souls. Plus ZombiU was a "new" game in terms of design (e.g. perma-death on characters, one bite kills you etc).

There are so many moments where I wish I was recording with my PVR when I'm gaming. Something happens in the game, then bam, I wasn't recording and I wish I was... a little off topic but the best example I can think of - I was playing Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and I shot this dude and he landed in a chair, it looked like he was sitting down. As the fire fight continued, someone threw a grenade at me, it blew up and I got killed BUT Drake goes flying up into the air, doing all these flips, and his face lands right on the dead sitting guy's crotch, and Drake's knees hit the floor and he just stays there.

God damn it.
How classic are you talking about? I'd love to watch you guys tackle classic NES or Genesis and talk about how they feel now and memories of playing them back in the day. Even better to play the games on a system you didn't own so you can reclaim some of your missed childhood.
Something like Skyrim would be rather boring to watch someone play....

You need stuff with lots of action to keep people's attention....Like TF2!
Oh man, Trials Evo is tremendous fun in multiplayer. I vote a group Lets Play on that!

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