game music covers are sweet

lately i have really been into video game music. specifically, the old stuff. also the bands who do covers for them. currently i have been listening to alot of NESkimos, and have been trying to learn to play some of their songs, by wich i mean some classic nes songs on my guitar. i can play crash man and air man from mega man 2 and bad dudes level 2. i'm also trying to do some metroid stuff on my own.

anywhoo, the point of this topic is to see if any one else enjoys classic gaming music (both in its' original form and remixed or "covered" versions.). also throw out some games with awsome soundtracks you liked. from the 8-bit era.
If you want some awesome 8-bit game covers, listen to The Minibosses, they kick ass. Also, O.C. Remix does outstanding song covers, check them out, I met them at Otakon 2007. My favorite 8-bit game OST's would have to be Secret of Mana, Mega Man 3, Castlevania, ah hell, i dont know there's so amny. battle of olympus, crystalis, they all kick ass.
i have heard of The minibosses, and i also have a few songs from OC Remix. also, castlevania is a game i almost forgot about about!
and as for the symphonies, i have a few orchestral remixes of some songs, Kraids lair and an ocarina of time medly being some of them. though i don't know whom they are by.

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