FBI vs. gamers

The fight for piracy has been here for a while, ever since the internet first started. Just that "the man" been losing and he will probably never win.

EDIT: It appears they didnt get shut down for just having the server but, according to the article, they were making a profit from it (for some reason I just feel that is some legal BS they cooked up just to close the server down). When I read that part I smelt some FBI BS. I just visited a cached version of l2extreme and it looked like a regular, free server emulator site. If just owning and running the server was illegal then they would've closed down the server for that reason alone. I dont think server emulators are illegal, so long the emulator is using its own code and isnt stolen. A pirated client is illegal, of course but they cant shut down a server just for existing.

But then again I'm not a lawyer and too lazy to read up on copyright law to make sure so I could be wrong.

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