Favorite Radiohead album?

Which one do you enjoy the most?

  • Pablo Honey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Bends

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OK Computer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kid A

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Amnesiac

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hail to the Thief

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • In Rainbows

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Radiohead isn't for everyone and I'm not sure if I'll get many voters on this poll. Radiohead's music has to grown on you. It's not really music that sounds catchy and pop for a month or two and is then discarded once the hype wears off.

I actually hated Kid A when I first heard it, and I thought Thom Yorke was annoying. But what can I say? Now I love Kid A and think he's a genius. My favorite album however, is OK Computer.

Radiohead are so diverse that it's interesting to ask which album is a favorite because each one has it's own unique style to it. So for those who like Radiohead, what's your fave album?
I'm all for OK Computer and Kid A (maybe even Amnesiac), but I really felt In Rainbows was Radiohead's best album as well. I really liked the direction they took on it, and the slower, more electronic approach is my kind of thing.
Ah, Radiohead. I want to say they're one of the most important bands in recent, recent music history. I've read multiple times that OK Computer along with Nevermind is one of the two most influential records of the 90s, and I can certainly appreciate that. It's truly a phenomenal, transcendental work.
But at the same time, you can't deny the impact of The Bends and Kid A. Radiohead has truly become a trailblazer in a way.
Despite all this, personally, Amnesiac is my favorite album of theirs. Not as revolutionary or trendsetting in the shadow of Kid A, but all of these songs just sound so good, so different, and are still innovative. My second favorite would probably be some tie between OK Computer and In Rainbows which is also just a flawless, magical album. How do these guys keep doing it?

My Radiohead album rankings:
OK Computer
In Rainbows
Kid A
The Bends
Hail to the Thief
Pablo Honey

I'm aware that this post seems to be a vast over-celebration of Radiohead, but I stand by it. Good day. :p
Wow. Bizarre. I was just going on a Radiohead listening spree, and I just listened to Amnesiac for the first time and decided it was my favorite because all the songs sound like thoughts behave. In fact, I'm downloading The Eraser out of curiosity as we speak.

I was even thinking of making this topic, lol.
WickedLiquid said:
I actually hated Kid A when I first heard it, and I thought Thom Yorke was annoying. But what can I say? Now I love Kid A and think he's a genius. My favorite album however, is OK Computer.

Yeah, same here, except I still don't really like Kid A. I find it a tedious album, with occasional flashes of brilliance. I chose OK Computer, that album still sounds great after 12 years. :D
I'd have to say The Bends... but, all things considered, I don't really like Radiohead anymore. In Rainbows is good, I'll give it that. But it wasn't enough to bring me back into fandom.
Come on people! the bends! It even has a guy in orgasm on the cover!

Featuring "My iron lung" and "Fake Plastic Trees"

But then... OK Computer does have Karma police...
I know OK Computer is widely considered to be absolute musical genius (and I would agree) and most of my favorite Radiohead tracks are spread out among their older albums, but I would still have to choose In Rainbows as my favorite overall album.
I find that if your favorite album is The Bends you're not "exactly" a Radiohead fan. You just liked this small phase they went through and then completely moved on from.

Which is fine. I'd say my current faves are OK Computer, Kid A and In Rainbows. I especially like the personal vibe you get from In Rainbows.
I really loved In Rainbows but I voted The Bends because it deserves a bit more attention. OK Computer is great, but The Bends has much more acoustic guitar which I enjoy a lot. It also has Just, which is probably one of the greatest music videos ever made in the 90's.

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