Favorite game of this generation, and favorite game of all t

Bretimus_v2 said:
For me, the best game is more likely to be the one with the best narrative, the one that really drew me and had me involved in the story and my character. And the gameplay has to be annoyance free.
You should play Nier.
I had to think this one over for a while before I could answer.

This gen it came down to RDR and Arkham City but I would have to say AC.

All time was a lot tougher. I'm old and have played a lot of games over the years so I had to think it over. In the end I would have to say for me it was Shadow of Yserbius. I know most of you probably have never heard of it but I consider it to be the grandfather of all the modern MMOs out there today.

Educate yourselves cause knowing is half the battle!


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