Favorite Cheats

invisibility in the Hitman games. It's soo funny to walk up to the guys and watch them freak out cause they hear something, but have no idea you're right in front of them. And then you splatter them all over the wall with your shotgun, while everyone else in the room is like WTF cause they still can't see you and have no idea what is going on.

It gets stupid after a while, but it's pretty funny at first.
^Invi in hitman was a lot of fun, i used to juggle baddies into each other using the ballers and the cheat... Takes a while to lose its novelty :lol:

Diabolus said:
Tykk said:
Diabolus said:

I was going to say ABACABB, blood cheat on the genesis version of MK :(

Now i'm drawing a blank -.-

And DULLARD was the debug mode. Down up left left A right down.

Yeah, i remember that, but i never really used it... The blood cheat was a must use tough... What's MK without ludicrous amounts of gore? :twisted:
The cheats for all 3 warcrafts and the ones for starcraft. But my most favorite, the most usefull cheat/hack imho was....

Map Hack Diablo2/LoD on battle.net
Best serious cheat: Probably any invincibility or endless ammo cheat in a game where I'd rather just beat it without any problems, so I canlook at the cutscenes in quick succession.

Best serious "cheat that the game actually shows you to do, so not sure it's a real cheat as such": Slo-mo in Tony Hawk 4. I'm simply not good enough for many of the missions without that one.

Best silly cheat: The diaper on that tough-looking guy in Jak 3.

Best cheat command: "It is a good day to die", Warcraft 2.
Hawk_one said:
...cheat in a game where I'd rather just beat it without any problems, so I canlook at the cutscenes in quick succession.
Damn, what games have you been playing where there are cutscenes worth looking at?
keepithowitis said:
Hawk_one said:
...cheat in a game where I'd rather just beat it without any problems, so I canlook at the cutscenes in quick succession.
Damn, what games have you been playing where there are cutscenes worth looking at?

The first person replying to this with MGS4 gets punted into a shark tank ¬¬
I liked the cheats in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Flying cars was great, combined with noss (an Infernus with noss flying through the sky is funnily faster than airplanes in that game). So disappointed that Grand Theft Auto IV doesn't have nearly as many cheats. :(

I'm also a fan of the cheats in Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and its sequel Jedi Academy. Spawning loads of Reborn and fighting them is great fun.

Using hack cheats in the original Fallout games is funny too.

Oh, and all the cheats in GoldenEye: 007 were great. But you didn't have to earn 'em - it was possible to activate things like God Mode by inputting a series of buttons while in the game, and by using these cheats you could actually unlock other cheats and the secret levels and stuff. Perfect Dark had some cool cheats as well.
By far the flying cars cheat in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Also the destroy all cars cheat (also in GTA-SA) for when I have 11 too many cop cars on my tail.
the light saber dismemberment in star wars jk2 jedi outcast. so fun to run around slicing up stormies bodies :)
Up C, Down C, Left C, Right C, A Start

Original Sonic Debug Code. Above any other cheat I still remember this one by heart because it took damn near half a day to do on that stupind 3 button sega controller.
Any code that makes me Freakin filthy rich without moving my chair or scratch my nose,

EXAMPLE: (moremoney) Spore in space or civil
I think there was one for the sims games too..

miak757 said:
Any code that makes me Freakin filthy rich without moving my chair or scratch my nose,

EXAMPLE: (moremoney) Spore in space or civil
I think there was one for the sims games too..


If I recal correctly I used to type something and then typed usualy this for a lot of money in SIMS. :p

!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!,!,!,!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!,!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!; etc. :D
gtalll, first put in the arm pedestrians code then put in the angry pedestrians code to make them fight, it made the game seem like a war zone

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