Faverite Game of the Past Eight Years

It seams like every year a great game comes out that you play for months so give me a list of your faverite games in the past eight years.

Cool topic.

2000. Final Fantasy IX
2001. Ico
2002. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
2003. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
2004. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
2005. Shadow of the Colossus
2006. Final Fantasy XII
2007. Bioshock
2008. Fallout 3

These aren't necessarily the games I played most or liked best at that time, just the favorite games released that year. And I'd probably give you a different list tomorrow.
2000. Legend Of Dragoon
2001. GTA3/Red Faction/MGS2 but the best was Ace Combat 4
2002. Red Faction 2/Onimusha 2/Deus Ex/Mark Of Kri....Hitman 2 hands down
2003. True Crime
2004. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas/MGS3/the best was Ace Combat 5
2005. Shadow of the Colossus hands down and also Rise Of The Kasai
2006. Ace Combat X/Syphon Filter Dark Mirror
2007. dunno
2008. dunno

I dont remember Legacy Of kain Defiance 2003 or 2005 but it was the best depending the year...I dont have it right now to check the box
2007-2008 I dont remember which year this games came but they were Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow, FFVII Crisis Core, God Of War Chains Of Olympus, Puzzle Quest...
2000:Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
2001:MGS 2/FF X/SSBM
2002:Metroid Prime
2003:Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
2004:Metroid Prime 2
2005:Resident Evil 4
2006:Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2007:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption/Super Mario Galaxy/Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
2008:Super Smash Bros. Brawl

These are my favourite games that were released in each year. I don't know if that was what I was supposed to do but I'm sticking with it.
This is hard...mainly because I cant be arsed to remember release dates for games. So I'll just do this year:

2008 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl

I hope that was entertainng for you all.
2001: Jet Set Radio Future
2002: Mechassault
2003: Age Of Empires 2??
2004: GTA: San Andreas
2005: KOTOR(?)
2006: Bully (sort of)
2007: Unfortunately.. Halo (only game i remember playing on a regular basis that came out that year)
2008: Fallout 3, Fable 2, Mass Effect (hadn't played it or BioShock until recently)

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