Existential Crisis


As the title suggests perhaps it's just a crisis of existence but does anyone else feel like they're just passing time before it's time to die? This is a bit of a confession considering the last major period of posting for me was as admin but hey, it's either here, Reddit, or Facebook and here gives a weird sort of anonymity where no one knows me but kind of does.

Maybe my life's swimming pool has the waves set just right but however hard I paddle I'm staying in one place, the only way is back or down. Good god that metaphor's tortured, I'll try again; it's Friday night and I'm fucking bored. Why? Because my friends are out doing shit with their other halves or other friends (not even close to local so I can't join them if they wanted me to). I want to take off somewhere randomly but I don't know where... and planning kind of defeats the object.

I debated posting this in CO but then I thought why not open it up to the random denizens I can only assume have flooded the boards since I departed, and Icepick?

So come on, guys, do your douchebag worst!
1. Lay off the drugs
1A. Get on some drugs

2. You're in your twenties. This is when it's cool to be all existential and stuff. Enjoy the ride.

3. You were smart enough to know the score at 14, so who are you kidding?

4. Chicks never fall for this stuff really and there aren't any here, so again I must ask, who are you kidding?

Don't you hate it when someone posts a link that answers your important query in a stupid, little YouTube song? Hope not.
Well... I guess you can't really NOT be passing time until death. You just try to make the best of the life you have. Sometimes that means being lazy. Sometimes that means trying to improve your situation. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. So on, so forth. Remember, everyone is just as confused as you!

We're still little babbies at our ages Sam, go with it!

^What a song.
I can very much understand what you're talking about. I often wonder what the fuck I'm doing with my life.

I think a lot of people our age have a lot of difficulty reconciling the reality of today's technology driven world (and a trend towards less personal relationships) and the reality of our childhood, where technology wasn't a dominant force in how we interacted with other people. I don't think many people truly realize how drastically things like facebook and cellphones have changed society as whole. It's a difficult thing to deal with.

Personally, I have a lot of friends - people that are definitely more than acquaintances - but I really don't feel like I have that many truly close friends anymore, if any at all. I don't know if that's a result of my personality, or my college environment (a moderately conservative christian university, where my personal beliefs often left me as an outsider), or what. Maybe moving to New York will change that (I hope it does). However, the friends that I do have that I would actually like to spend time with in person all live really far away. It's really the one shitty thing about living at home with my parents during the summer - I don't feel like I'm doing anything of value, and I don't have anyone to hang out with.
Spend your time really getting to know yourself and doing what makes you happy.

Don't let societal pressures dictate how you should feel about anything. Follow your heart and mind. Know your true self.

Sometimes that means doing nothing(Which sometimes it can be a amazing thing to just do nothing)
Sometimes it means working a lot and enjoying stuff you can buy
Sometimes its using your ability and skills to make effective change in the world.

Do what your true self would want.
I envy my young cousin at moments like this, because he married and started his family all too soon in my opinion, so I was sure he didn't have the time to even stress himself over this matter, for better or worse. But he's not dumb, he just started his family early. So fuck, it's all the worse for him because he's stuck in a position where he literally doesn't have the time to stop and question the roses. But, in an even more fucked up way, and only in my own reasoning, my own pit of existentialism, that situation where you're "stuck" in a routine may be best, because ignorance is bliss, but if not ignorant, if cognitive of your "situation" then the routine is no doubt familiar, read safe.

Which is why I envied my younger cousin at moments like this. Not having a choice is awesome. ??? Yes, No. Both. Keeps the train moving, that's for sure. He'll drink the night away because he's supposed to, but I've had some pretty deep convos with him in the past. Wonder how long it's been since he's had one of those? Who knows, maybe he's still having them? Honestly, that's doubtful, but ... not impossible. Impossibility = giving up, which just puts you back at "what's the point of it all?" square-one-ism.

It's easy to pick up and move on without a family. But if what you're searching for is a family... We're never gonna be content. That's probably a good thing. You'd have to hope it is, because so many of us aren't. I would just say this: it's easier the older you get. Cliche as fuck, I know, but true. And why is it true? You honestly stop caring :)
Every one makes their own beds and everyone lays in their own bed, and each of our beds has its own "me" rut.

Sometimes you just gotta get in someone else's bed to really see what else is out there in life.

(No innuendo.)

Comfort bubble is a huge thing that I fight with, but by pushing that and how much I can take on (work, volunteer stuff, family, etc.) I've found great opportunities to expand my life experience.
You want to do something but don't know what to do? Sounds like you don't really want to do anything and just want someone to talk to. Don't worry, baby, we are here for you, always.
I even watch you while you sleep
I think most people go through a period of uncertainty in their life. They don't know what they want out of life or what to do with their life. You will figure it out eventually.
It honestly gets tricky. I'm twenty five years old and it's funny - I work full time in the field I studied at in university, I exercise regularly and am in good, healthy shape and I save money and do the things that I want to do. Quite often though, I feel like there's a lot missing in my life and sometimes I'm convinced that I joined the wrong industry. My dream job is but a dream too.

I think it's depressing when you wake up in the morning and the very first thing that pops into your head is "I can't wait to go to sleep tonight". Sometimes I think that.

I do know life has a lot to offer us, maca2kx, it's up to us to just go out there, find it and grab it.
Your biological clock is ticking.


Procreate, raise some little macas, cycle begins anew.

Eating and fucking is what humans do. That's why you exist.
I'm so laid back and lazy that I kind of feel the same as you. Thinking about what I could do, but never actually doing it.

I think you just need a couple of social times and it will all be fixed. Invite the lads out one weekend, or go away to the seaside for a week and rent a place. Something like that? Just get away from the norm and chill.

All I know is try not to put so much pressure on yourself, because a lot an change in a short period of time. In 6 months, you could be in a relationship talking about your new house in the suburbs whilst sipping some whisky in the Scottish highlands? You never know with life, so why ponder it!
Generally this is a sign you are growing bored with your current activities, much of this usually stems from a lack of challenge in your daily routine. As an adult you've spent the majority of your time trying to get things stable and consistent, be it your financial or social status, your career and activities. While the stable surroundings provide comfort, prolonged exposure to comfort creates restlessness

The more we repeat things, the less we are entertained by them, the less we are entertained, the more unhappy we become. It's evident you just need a new challenge, take up a sport, learn a new language, something that is engaging, rewarding to yourself, and challenging. Myself I try to convince women to let me fuck them in the ass
I'm having an existential crisis, y'all.

Because I'm too deep for one thread alone, imma make a second one for the unwashed masses covering all the same bullshit, they need to see how deep i am and shit, but i'm not gon reply to it.

That'll show em. That'll show em that i'm pretty fuckin deep dude and my life is pretty amazing.


/twenty-something year olds

Get a job, hippie.
Believe it or not over the weekend I was too busy to reply, I was... haha, nah just kidding. The weekend was a blur of I actually don't know what but I didn't realise I was meant to reply to each and every poster and especially Chris_Crime so apologies for making a topic and then not monitoring it 24/7.

You all make sense (except Chris). Anthony, you're a baby, I'm almost a decade older than a baby. The rest of it's true though.

Nick, that's actually a perspective I hadn't considered before but it makes sense. The internet didn't exist when I was a kid (fine it existed but not in houses, not in any decent form) and so I kind of half grew up without it then had it suddenly thrust into my life, it's a lot to adjust to.

Sourdeez - good advice but I don't know myself which is part of the problem. I used to, or at least I thought I did, but I don't any more and I don't know where to start learning but I do know it's not where I am now.

Bret - true... can't really say more than that.

WickedLiquid - true... and I love Forrest Gump, such a great film.

Frozen - I'm pretty sure this happened Sunday morning but it could have been Saturday but I woke up very early (still dark in summer kind of early) and looked to my right to see a guy that looked like a creepy as shit Morgan Freeman staring at me and walking towards my head. I flipped for a good 30 seconds before I realised that it couldn't be real because the right side of my bed is right next to a wall. Anyway, you can watch but please don't do that again.

Ugh - she'll be too busy scuba diving in the Maldives

C-nate - I sincerely hope so

Master_Craig - It's good that you're working in your study area, that's something that didn't work out for me. Life may have a lot to offer but I'm not sure if it's got much in my area. The logistics for moving are damn difficult though.

Eyebrows - that's my outlook but it's quite nihilistic and I don't want it to be it. We're brought up with a lot of hopes and dreams and while I don't think that there's any more ultimate point other than passing on genes I do want the journey to be more than just that (but that should really feature too)

MattAY - I do need to get away, I could use some holiday I've got left in August but I have no idea where I'd go. Change worries me; not just change happening but change not happening because it's awesome being me. I'm going to worry whatever happens but I'd like to be happier with my situation so I can worry about insignificant stuff rather than what am I doing with my life.

Icepick - thank you for the real advice. What you say is true. The execution will be difficult but you are right.

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