Endurance Weekend 0.7 (Gaming/Charity Event in Tucson, AZ)


Endurance Weekend 0.7 will start on Saturday, July 7th @ 7pm, and end July 8th @ 7-10pm. It is being held in the Turquoise Ballroom, at the Tucson Convention Center.

During that time, 7 major tournaments will take place in games such as CounterStrike: Source, Super Smash Brothers: Melee, Mario Kart, Halo, Warhammer, Tetris DS. Everyone is also encouraged to dress as their favorite video game character, this costume contest is our 7th tournament. Many prizes will be given away, from sponsors such as Zboard, Bawls, and our local Running with Scissors.

The best part, is all proceeds will be going to Child's Play Charity, which was started by the guys of Penny Arcade. This charity collects money and toys togive back to kids in hospitals across the world. $20 advance registration, and $30 at the door. We have a guaranteed 200 spots, but can accommodate up to 400. Check out the following web addy for further information: http://www.hallofgods.com/ew/

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