Earn GR Trophies, Win Free Games!

Paul Tamburro

Executive Editor
Staff member
Trophies have been improved on the GAMEREVOLUTION FORUMS, allowing our users to receive achievements for starting threads, posting messages, and receiving likes from their fellow GR members.

Trophies are handed out for reaching a variety of milestones on the forums, rewarding you with Trophy Points. These Trophy Points unlock higher tiers of membership, from 'Newbie' at 0 points through to the coveted 'GameRevolutionary' at 150 points. Users who reach GameRevolutionary status will receive a free game as a reward for their efforts.

To view your unlocked Trophies after creating a profile, navigate to your Profile Page. From there you'll find the Trophies tag, complete with every Trophy you've currently received. You can also view all the available GR Trophies from this tab, including 'IMPOSSIBLE,' which we are expecting approximately zero GR members to unlock. We're always hoping that you'll surprise us, though.

So get posting, get liking, and maybe one of these free games will be yours!
You can also view all the available GR Trophies from this tab, including 'IMPOSSIBLE,' which we are expecting approximately zero GR members to unlock.
Ahh, the Like Barter System. An excellent method of spreading love with a minimal amount of effort. I will like all of your posts accordingly and silently judge you when I don't receive equal like/love in return.

If anyone reaches the 6,000 post and 2,000 like mark, regardless of bartering for likes, I'll travel to your house and personally hand-deliver your free game.
So if *you* get to 6k and 2k respectively, do you get the satisfaction of just buying a game and going home and relaxing with a pat on the back for good effort?
If I do it then I force our publisher to invest in a cloning device, make two of me, then one has to hand-deliver it to the other. One of the clones will inevitably become evil and the money spent on the cloning machine will ensure that we'll probably have to shut down GR, but I'm quite confident that I'll never reach that point so it's fine.

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