EA is killing gaming


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I think the whole Origin distribution service is really stupid. Too late and rival publishers will never put their games on there. Part of why Steam does well is that they offer so many games.

As far as the BF 3 thing goes, they tried it with BFBC2 and the reaction from the community got them to turn it back.
EA needs to fuck off and all the bigshots in the company need to be shot - in the face - repeatedly.

Any of you Americans up to the challenge?
And if Valve suddenly decided to spread their games on EA Origins would we be crying foul.

EA is only guilty of being late to the party.
I've never really liked the company EA, I've liked their games but hated their actions. If you're going to try to steal our money don't be so desperately obvious about it. Speaking of EA a good buddy of mine his sister works for EA..... The "revenge for all the crap EA has done to gamers" trail begins. But seriously though my excitement for BF3 is so overwhelming this DLC thing won't phase me. But I just hope DICE puts a offline skirmish mode just in case I don't feel like playing online or I have no connection
If they follow through with the BF3 being on Origins only, I don't want it that much...

First EA says they want to compete with MW3 for best FPS then they go and pull some bullshit like this? Way to alienate a ton of your PC user base EA, way to go.
Green_Lantern said:
If they follow through with the BF3 being on Origins only, I don't want it that much...

First EA says they want to compete with MW3 for best FPS then they go and pull some bullshit like this? Way to alienate a ton of your PC user base EA, way to go.
I'm sure that it won't release "only on origin"
I can't believe they'd be that stupid especially the way they've been posturing against Activision and CoD.
It looks like the Dragon Age 2 Steam page is gone now too (not that anyone should care about that game). I don't mind EA not selling on Steam, that is their choice, but pulling games off that they already have been selling through Steam since the release date (and with lots of front page ad space) is a little ridiculous.

I also think Origin is a huge piece of shit, but the drooling masses of gamers out there would do well to remember the "Steam sucks!" chants from around when you couldn't play CS without it.
I really hate the stupidity that is EA competing with Steam in the lead-up to one of their BIGGEST FPS/MULTIPLAYER/FUCKYOUACTIVISION releases EVER.

Seriously, how fucking stupid is that?

really stupid.
I fucking hate EA so much. No matter what game it is: Battlefield Bad Company, Fifa, NCAA, whatever, there servers crash all the freaking time. Are you going to tell me you make billions of dollars and you can't even keep your servers up. It happens way too often.

And also, me and my brother currently live together so we always split buying madden and fifa, and pretty much all games, and the whole bullshit about how you can only have one xbox live account per game is complete shit. I'm not dropping $10 for an online pass to a game I already payed $30 for (because I split it with my brother) It's ruined games for us. We both hate EA with a passion.
JunkyArd said:
And also, me and my brother currently live together so we always split buying madden and fifa, and pretty much all games, and the whole bullshit about how you can only have one xbox live account per game is complete s***.
I thought it was only one console? Isn't it like a little file that you have to download? That doesn't seem right :-/ I'm the only one who plays my Xbox.
CloacalKiss said:
I personally love what EA is doing lately.

Dead Space 2, Dragon Age 2, Crysis 2, NFS:HP, and BF3 soon!
Don't get me wrong, the games have been phenomenal, barring... the usual... crushing... negativity... of the GameRevolution community. But DAMN! EA makes some horrible marketing/business decisions.

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