EA buys Bioware and Pandemic. Thoughts?

Since the news broke out that EA bought Bioware and Pandemic, there has been mixed reactions and people making-up game titles that try to be funny. So what are your thoughts on this anouncement? (and please don't say something like "Baldur's Gate: Madden Edition")
It means Bioware and Pandemic games will get more funding and will be available on all available platforms, as EA has classically supported any channel of milking the public of its money. I'm not very well-versed on the deal (though will be soon, thanks to some Bioware friends in Edmonton), but as long as these two companies get to keep their own development processes and define their own development cycle, I don't think the quality will drop at all. Look at Irrational Games- they were amalgamated into 2K, and still managed to crank out one of the best games of our time. Granted, the PC version has some major authentication and DRM-related bugs to work out, but the core gameplay is still genre-defining.

We don't have anything to worry about.
Geodole said:
It means Bioware and Pandemic games will get more funding and will be available on all available platforms, as EA has classically supported any channel of milking the public of its money. I'm not very well-versed on the deal (though will be soon, thanks to some Bioware friends in Edmonton), but as long as these two companies get to keep their own development processes and define their own development cycle, I don't think the quality will drop at all. Look at Irrational Games- they were amalgamated into 2K, and still managed to crank out one of the best games of our time. Granted, the PC version has some major authentication and DRM-related bugs to work out, but the core gameplay is still genre-defining.

We don't have anything to worry about.

What? I don't know wtf any of that means (amalgamated? for real bro, who talkes like that? whatever dude...), but EA is getting too big for anybodys good. They're ruining console sports games with their bs deals with the NFL & ESPN and this just sounds like another notch on their belt of "interactive video entertainment domination". I love the recent post about how they "just hate all this console war stuff". I just bet they do. Sorry about the beginning of this post, I wasn't trying to be an ass, you've obviously got a better understanding of the inner workings of EA than I do, but amalgamated? I'll keep my dictionary handy for your next post bro....
I think that this is bad news. EA is a very conservative video game publisher. They focus purley on popularity of it games. This isn't the first time EA bought game developers. Back then, they bought Origin and Bullfrog, and we all know what happened after that right?

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