Disturbing moments in gaming.


I think we all have at least one we can remember? Be it killing a hooker in GTA III, the "explosion" in COD4 or the mere concept behind Custers Revenge, be it fairly tame, or downright horrifying, I'm sure every gamer has experienced some pretty disturbing moments. I'd like to hear about them. :D

For me, one of the most disturbing things I can think of in a videogame, is from Shadowman. There's a part in it called the "Playrooms" and it has quite probably the most terrifying music ever.

I remember being really young and playing through it, being frightened of the music. I think I eventually turned the sound off for the entire section. You can listen to it here:


Yeah, you might think it tame, but I was young.
Im going to go with playing the LOST video game, having jack tell me to go do something with an engine, going to the wrong one, and dying. Pissed me off.
Also, I was pretty afraid of Morrowind when i first played it. I was 9, and it took me a year to beat it.
when i was younger my brother was playing silent hill one for the PSX. as i recall there is a level that takes place in a school right? well i just remember the enemies in that level just freaked me out and i refused to watch him play anymore.
as for disturbing moments? hmmmm, i think when Manhunt first came out it was pretty disturbing. the violence was cranked pretty high bu it was that director guy that kept talking to you that was pretty sick. especially when he would say things like "..ohhh now you're turning me on cash" or something after killing someone.
The dream/nightmare levels in Max Payne. I can still hear the the creepy ass kids music playing in my head. :?
Gus80 said:
The dream/nightmare levels in Max Payne. I can still hear the the creepy ass kids music playing in my head. :?

I was shitting myself when i was playing that level.

The Codec sequences at the end stages of MGS2. I actually turned off my PS2 after Campbell telling me to do so.
The doll factory music in condemned 2 with the little girls giggling every once in a while. It took me 5 minutes just to get up the nerves to open the door to the level. I just stood inside the first room shitting my pants. :oops:
Dead Space. High Def television and surround sound, playing in the dark. Listening to the sound of water and metal bang on metal all around me. Slowly creeping towards a new area when my friends out of nowhere ask "Why don't you go in the room Mike?"
I'm playing Dead Space right now. It may not rank as highly as the Silent Hills on the "disturbing" score, but it has this certain haunting quality (mostly the terrific audio, like Trippy said) that makes it too intense to play for long periods. I play like one chapter per sitting, then I stop.

When I was pretty young, the first game that disturbed me was The 7th Guest. Spooooky. Tame today, but spooky then.
^You and I play Dead Space exactly the same way. I can only take one chapters worth of the brilliantly done environment.

Some of the most disturbing moments for me have to be the multiple encounters with survivors on the Ishimura. I was seriously creeped out the first time I walked into the small infirmary looking room and saw the lady with the bone saw. Gave me the willies.
Playing Eternal Darkness with a low sanity meter.

My tv is more certainly NOT muting itself...my controller did NOT come unplugged...I just keep telling myself that.
xxlordskullxx said:
when i was younger my brother was playing silent hill one for the PSX. as i recall there is a level that takes place in a school right? well i just remember the enemies in that level just freaked me out and i refused to watch him play anymore.
I would have to concur... the entire elementary school level(s) was probably one of the more disturbing parts of that game, mainly because (at least in the North American release) the enemies you fight are disfigured children. Although the sequence in Silent Hill 2 where Pyramid Head rapes the mannequin must be mentioned for completeness.

However, I believe the scene that took the cake for myself would have to be from Fatal Frame where we see the blinding ritual being performed. I don't know about you guys, but watching and hearing a young girl have her eyes gouged out by her father using a mask with two large spikes in it while priests and monks are chanting is more than a little disturbing...
Bioshock, the part with the doctor, although that's probably a given for anybody who's gotten to that point. My heart literally skipped a few beats when I turned around.

Oh, also the other doctor, the one who's like drilling his corpses and then he goes 'This one.. this one, so UGLY!!' and then attacks you. It was kind of more of a disturbing, OMGWTF moment than a scary one, but still deserves a spot nonetheless.
The ReDeads in Zelda 64. Those things used to freak me out to no end.

Come on, look at the concept of it - this withered, unliving corpse with a wooden mask bolted over the empty void that is its 'face', that can freeze your very soul with a blood-curdling shriek until it latches onto you and tears your skull open.

And that unnatural moaning they make when standing idle was just freaky too.

Oh, and the Dead Hand mini-boss in the game was pretty freakish too, the way it looked, the way it would move, the sounds it made...

Ocarina of Time had some seriously disturbing undead enemies.

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