DDoS Attacked

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I was just enjoying playing viewer submitted courses on my stream when I got raided by a bunch of trolls. Got DDoS attacked by them and went offline. I waited 20 minutes after I got connection back and tried again. 20 minutes later, got them back in my chat and threatening DDoSing again as well as SWATting. I never expected this to happen. I'm a small streamer.

Do any of you guys know a good way to block it. I don't really think there is a way.
So, when you say you got DDoS'd what happened? Explain a bit more.

Did you get DDoS at home or on your connection to Twitch? At Home? Could you connect to any internet site form home or was it just trying to get to twitch?

If it was just twitch there is a chance that they got your RTMP Ingest information somehow. You dont share that stuff with the new channel youre partnered with do you? Thats how they might have gotten it.
No, they didn't take my stream key. I wasn't able to connect to other sites. Yes, it was at home. That's where I always stream. Twitch chat is IRC based chat and you can easily findout a person's IP from there.

DDoS attacks are just sending huges amounts of traffic to the IP. It then gets overloaded and you lose connection to the ISP for a temporarily time.
UghRochester said:
DDoS attacks are just sending huges amounts of traffic to the IP. It then gets overloaded and you lose connection to the ISP for a temporarily time.

De-Ting said:
Can you report whoever it was in the chat?
Yeah, but there were so many of them invading my stream. Banning them didn't help either

StudioTan said:
Wow, that's unbelievable. I wonder what brought them to your stream in the first place.
The keywords I got out was someone named Sean from Reddit, 4chan and 9Gag sent them. They were say "123Doorgiveaway" "Are you giving away doors?" They threaten to SWAT me if I didn't put a shoe on my head. After I heard that threat, I decided to call it a day and go offline. Some of them now followed my channel, so I suspect they might return.
I can't imagine why, though. You don't trash talk anyone and you have contributed to charitable organizations with your streaming.

These types of people are repeat offenders; I've heard the "shoe on the head" line before.
TheSpartanShow gave me some tips as well as another member named SilverFoxes. He and she both asked if I used Skype. To my amazement,there are websites where you just type in the Skype's username and you can get their IP address being since my Twitch name and Skype name was the same, it was very easy for someone to obtain it. Here's a site I used to track my own IP address down. http://mostwantedhf.info/

I found a tutorial to create a proxy and use a fake IP address. I can't believe this sh*t.
Just use a VPN, takes all of 2 minutes to set up one of the easy ones and it's not THAT bad of a network speed hit.
Hey Ugh, have you reported this situation to Twitch staff yet?

This is a very unfair thing to happen to you. You don't deserve it. Hell no body does. You shouldn't have to tolerate with it or try and work around it. Report who you can, report the situation to Twitch.
Yes, I permabanned the ones I seen following. It took a good while to do so. Reporting them to Twitch is like other sites, it would be a long request. They'll still be able to enter the room, but they won't be talk in chat. TheSpartanShow when through this when he first started stream. He got himself a VPN.

I didn't realize how easy it is to get someone's IP address from Skype. Like if said, if the person's username matches, it's very easy. Deactivating Skype and deleting the Skype account doesn't work either, since TheSpartanShow tried this already.

Thanks for everyone's concern. This thread can be locked now and I'll be more secure about my information.
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