Curiosity: What's In The Cube? Review


I really can't stretch this to a full review so this is a mini review and complaint rolled into one topic:

Curiosity is the latest game from the master of hyperbole, Peter Molyneux. It's premise is simple: hack away at a huge cube (comprised of smaller cubes) to reach the centre. Everyone playing the game is working on the same cube and their progress is cumulative. Only one person can win the 'life changing prize' (Molyneux's actual description) and it's up to them what they do with it afterwards. Every cube chipped away yields a coin and coins can be used to purchase ways to improve chipping efficiency. There are various mechanics to increase the amount of coins obtained and prizes are... well, they're fucking expensive. Cash upgrades will become available but aren't here yet.

For the most part the game works. Each touch gets rid of one cube, pinching zooms out and parting zooms in, dragging moves the cube, and the game mostly keeps up with rapid tapping. The problems begin with the coin system: coins accrue at their steady rate until the user quits the game to go have a life and stuff. When they're done with living and want to chip away at a cube for a few hours they may find that several thousand of their coins have up and vanished. This has happened twice to me so far, I lost 30,000 first and 70,000 second and there are people who have lost millions of coins thanks to this irritating bug. There can only be one winner and saving coins to buy better tools is the only realistic way to improve your chances of winning so yeah, way to go.
Just some while ago a person chipped off the last block.

What I've gathered he won a spot as god in new Molyneux "you can do everything!" game.
I just woke up, and have yet to determine whether or not I'm having one of my complete nonsense dreams.
The answer was found this morning

I really think Peter is higher than I am.
He comes off as Annoying, Pretentious, and ......................... Uh oh.

Henderson has won the ability to be God over everyone else in 22Cans' next game, the Kickstarted project Godus, of which a playable alpha is expected to be released soon and which Molyneux showed IGN last week.

"You, the person who reached the center, will be the God of all people that are playing Godus," explains the video, which features a black-clad Molyneux standing inside a virtual cube. "You will intrinsically decide on the rules that the game is played on."

But that wasn't all. Henderson will also get paid.

"You will share in the success of the product," Molyneux said. "Every time people spend money on Godus, you will get a small piece of that pie."

Though this video was revealed to Henderson alone, he agreed to share it, and 22Cans posted it to their YouTube channel. See it above.

Peter Molyneux founded 22Cans last year after departing Microsoft, where he was the studio boss at Lionhead and chief creative force on the Fable series, as well as the head of Microsoft Game Studios in Europe. He recently joined IGN as an expert panelist during the Xbox One Reveal.

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