Console to never be forgotten!


I was just wondering which console you guys think will, no matter what lifetime we are in will never ever be forgotten. Mine is PS2.
Probably the N64. It was my first major console and it had a ton of great games, alot of which are still considered some of the best ever.
N64 was the first console I owned that actually made me (not literally) shit my pants over the leaps in technology, but in terms of timelessness, I'll give it to the SNES. That system introduced me to gaming, and for that I will be eternally grateful. That, and the SNES has Secret of Mana, which is one of the best RPGs ever
^Secret of Mana is one of my favourite games. Represent!!

I'd say the N64. It has so many classic games, and so many of which are still extremely good even today. I love the PS2, but for me the N64 is timeless.
I would have to says SNES. Most people I know started out with that one. I have so many good memories playing that and it was the first console I ever bought with my own money.

I think it will take a lot for people to completely forget about.
My first console was Sega Mega Drive then we got the PS 1 and 2. Still stuck with PS2.

Every console we had as a kid was a bit outdated at the time we got it, so I don't think I ever had that much a "whoa" effect with any console... So none I guess. I love 'em all, but none are really that huge.

Maybe I'll choose Commodore64 since I'm a bit more a PC player and it really outdates every console I had and started it all....
NES was the first console I really played but the one that made the largest impression was N64.
Mostly due to the fact it had some of the most awesome games.
Goldeneye... *sigh*
for me it was the genesis, i still play it to this day. i always manage to find gems for it that i missed out on as a kid and wind up spending hours on it
SNES for me, I grew up with it. But the Amiga is another gem I wont forget!
As Snes being my first console, I'll always remember it fondly. Still have it, but the controllers are in crap condition. I should buy new ones and couple games to go with them :)
The NES is the only one I would call legendary. It was just too important to the industry on whole to be placed alongside any other.

I have a soft spot for the N64 as well. Mario 64, Goldeneye and Banjo Kazooie were worth the price of admission.
In terms of consoles that I wont forget, is got to be the Dreamcast. So many great, great games. Shenmue was so far ahead of its time. Ready 2 Rumble, Power Stone, Soul Calibre, Quake 3 Arena anyone? Built in internet acess. All this and it was the effective death of Sega.It lack of major commercial succes was anyway. It was the little engine that could have, but didnt.
something about popping a cartridge in an nes and hearing those springs when you press it into the system and hitting power....and getting a title screen with no load screen...ah i think i just accidently'd on myself :oops:
The original Xbox- it revolutionized FPS, starting with Halo. I liked the N64, but the controls for shooters were god-awful. Take Goldeneye for example, playing it a couple of months ago I was surprised I could even pull off one kill with those terrible controls.

But with the Xbox.... shooters changed for the better.

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