CoD: Black Ops

used44 said:
Apparently the PC version sucks.

Like I've said in the PC thread, I have noticed some server lag, yes, but nothing close to game breaking, nor have I noticed drops or pauses...So it's not as bad as some are making it out to be, but it's something that does need to be fixed.
Like I've said in the PC thread, I have noticed some server lag, yes, but nothing close to game breaking, nor have I noticed drops or pauses...So it's not as bad as some are making it out to be, but it's something that does need to be fixed.

I think you're one of the lucky ones, because what myself and my friends are experiencing is unplayable, and I'm still not certain if its a network issue, or if the game is just sucking up way more o my pc resources than it should be.
Sucks for the PC version having those issues. I know a lot of my friends who got BlOps on PC, can only imagine how it's affecting them.
Just got it for 360, upgrading my Live account now. Who else has it and wants to play? I'm down for Campaign, multi, or zombies too, i guess. :roll:
I probably won't get it until payday (Friday). Then I'm staying up all weekend and putting bullets in your brain.
Well, it sold $360 mil in one day, blowing away previous entertainment sales records. It helps that it's multiplatform, unlike Reach, but still.
I don't even like it as much as the first MW, but maybe that's because I haven't played anything besides Madden for my xbox in the past 6 months so i suck. I do like the whole customization modes though, it makes you really think about what attachments to buy instead of having to grind through tons of games to get a better attachment (ie. 75 games trying to get bullet penetration kills with FMJ just so you can unlock extended mags). So far the campaign is pretty cool too, although I don't really know what I'm doing, my dad walked by and noticed the setting of the first level immediately (the Bay of Pigs). Zombies are pretty fun but it feels like they added way too many features without explaining what they were.
Played online a little last night and got owned by all the fucking COD nerds with their fancy smancy attachments.
All I remember is you and Unknown teaming up with a CS shield, good job! I suppose PS3 online is better. Banging 13 year old girls can put a hole in your wallet. Can't afford to worry about an online service fee!
SK said:
All I remember is you and Unknown teaming up with a CS shield, good job! I suppose PS3 online is better. Banging 13 year old girls can put a hole in your wallet. Can't afford to worry about an online service fee!

Don't need to get so angry pal, its been like 7 years since we played. I'm sure you've improved a bit.

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