Charlie Sheen is keepin' it real

LinksOcarina said:
It's not even that. You are right that things are always going on. But when superfluous things such as Crazy Charlie, who wore what at the Oscars, Lindsy Lohan, etc. dominate the news more and more, I tend to get angry over it because it distracts people from the other stuff going on.

you're watching the wrong news channel, and are blowing it way out of proportion just to bitch.

don't pay attention to gossip magazines when you're standing in the checkout, don't watch the wrong news channel. there are plenty of news channels out there, magazines, internet sites etc. that would never even consider mentioning charlie sheen, and then there are more gossipy ones that cater to a different demographic that are more interested in lindsay lohans rehab and charlie sheen being a complete piece of shit.

dont watch mtv news. or expect to hear about much what matters on an internet forum.
intoTheRain said:
LinksOcarina said:
It's not even that. You are right that things are always going on. But when superfluous things such as Crazy Charlie, who wore what at the Oscars, Lindsy Lohan, etc. dominate the news more and more, I tend to get angry over it because it distracts people from the other stuff going on.

you're watching the wrong news channel, and are blowing it way out of proportion just to b****.

He's not complaining because he is subject to it. He's complaining that Hollywood & co. is so pervasive and massive. It's a legitimate point, to be concerned about the concerns of society, and it's not bad to have greater expectations of society, either (if I can characterize it that way). I think it's a little unrealistic, though, given how contained/removed we can be from the rest of the world. Like I said before, it depends upon what people think is important.

I don't think it's necessarily bad that people aren't interested in Libya (just for the popular example), or even that some are actively disinterested in it. Maybe at some point, major media outlets are responsible for dictating interests of society. But then where's the point at which the individual is responsible for selecting his or her own interests? If you have access to television shows, where most of this crap is coming from, then you probably also have access to the internet, where there is a lot more freedom to choose your sources of news. Granted, in some places, information is hardly free, and that's just unfortunate.
That was 5 minutes of gold, I can't even pick out the best quote, they were all perfect. Ya gotta love how the journalist was getting upset with him.

I'm on team Charlie.
Sightless said:
intoTheRain said:
LinksOcarina said:
It's not even that. You are right that things are always going on. But when superfluous things such as Crazy Charlie, who wore what at the Oscars, Lindsy Lohan, etc. dominate the news more and more, I tend to get angry over it because it distracts people from the other stuff going on.

you're watching the wrong news channel, and are blowing it way out of proportion just to b****.

He's not complaining because he is subject to it. He's complaining that Hollywood & co. is so pervasive and massive. It's a legitimate point, to be concerned about the concerns of society, and it's not bad to have greater expectations of society, either (if I can characterize it that way). I think it's a little unrealistic, though, given how contained/removed we can be from the rest of the world. Like I said before, it depends upon what people think is important.

I don't think it's necessarily bad that people aren't interested in Libya (just for the popular example), or even that some are actively disinterested in it. Maybe at some point, major media outlets are responsible for dictating interests of society. But then where's the point at which the individual is responsible for selecting his or her own interests? If you have access to television shows, where most of this crap is coming from, then you probably also have access to the internet, where there is a lot more freedom to choose your sources of news. Granted, in some places, information is hardly free, and that's just unfortunate.

I'm just at a point in my life where I am SO sick of hearing people bitch. The only thing people in North America do more than stalk celebrities is complain about everything they can.

It isn't healthy, it accomplishes nothing. What did it accomplish to come into a topic about Charlie Sheen where people are clearly getting a kick out of this useless human being, and enjoying conversation about it, and tell them they should be concerned about more important things? Nothing.

Some people like to kick back after a hard day of work and watch or hear about something light and silly, ie. Charlie Sheen. It takes their focus of their own problems and allows them to laugh at someone elses. It's unfortunate someone doesn't come home after a stressful day and immediately flip to CNN to watch terrible news about Libya. So awful of them, let's bitch and do nothing about it ourselves!

I could bitch all day long, everybody could. I could say well that's all good that you CARE about it but how about you actually contribute to aiding the problem. I don't think Libyans benefit much from you watching news about them and "caring". I'm sure people volunteering in Libya right now are disgusted by us, sitting on our asses in our perfect country talking about the problems rather than lending a helping hand. A healthy, functioning helping hand God so graciously blessed us with.

If you're gonna bitch, at least be constructive about it. Rather then telling us you're angry we care about Charlie Sheen and not more important things, maybe inform us about why you feel Libya is important, and what we can do about it. Don't come in, tell us you're frustrated, then leave, accomplishing nothing except spreading negativity. Our world has enough negativity, and I'm sick of people spreading it unnecessarily.

Everyone does many, many things that certain other people would think is terrible. But as I've said many times, bitching about it fixes nothing. We're all human. Stay positive, and if you have an issue, be constructive about it.

Now surely, I have bitched aimlessly before on these forums, and many other places, I'm human too. But I certainly try my best to avoid it.

/end rant

long story short, i'm sick of complaining, cut it out :)
intoTheRain said:
What did it accomplish to come into a topic about Charlie Sheen where people are clearly getting a kick out of this useless human being, and enjoying conversation about it, and tell them they should be concerned about more important things? Nothing.

Dude it's the internet. A wonderful device used to access porn, discuss useless topics, promote narcissism and find out useful information like how to grow pot properly or how to make a bomb.
WickedLiquid said:
intoTheRain said:
What did it accomplish to come into a topic about Charlie Sheen where people are clearly getting a kick out of this useless human being, and enjoying conversation about it, and tell them they should be concerned about more important things? Nothing.

Dude it's the internet. A wonderful device used to access porn, discuss useless topics, promote narcissism and find out useful information like how to grow pot properly or how to make a bomb.

That interview made me strongly wish that Charlie is pulling a Joaquin Phoenix and is doing all this crazy stuff then 3-5 years later a documentary releases about the crap he did and the studio announces his actions were fake and for the purpose of making the movie... "I'm Still Here 2: um....." The um is there because I couldn't think of a witty subtitle.

WickedLiquid said:
intoTheRain said:
What did it accomplish to come into a topic about Charlie Sheen where people are clearly getting a kick out of this useless human being, and enjoying conversation about it, and tell them they should be concerned about more important things? Nothing.

Dude it's the internet. A wonderful device used to access porn, discuss useless topics, promote narcissism and find out useful information like how to grow pot properly or how to make a bomb.

Good poin.... Wait there's porn? No........ Nuh uh....


Sheen had this to say:

"This is very good news," Sheen told the site. "They continue to be in breach, like so many whales. It is a big day of gladness at the Sober Valley Lodge because now I can take all of the bazillions, never have to look at whatshisc--- again and I never have to put on those silly shirts for as long as this warlock exists in the terrestrial dimension."


Whatever, he's bi-winning! Right now he's looking for a "winning intern with tiger blood" as of Monday morning.
Then you'd love my brother in law. He sounds exactly like this. It isn't as funny as it sounds. You really start to worry about the mental condition of someone who talks like that.

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