Bionic Commando 2d or 3d???


I just noticed. Althought Bionic Commando Rearmed got drop on PSN and Xboxlive (no wii version yet :( ), I heard there is a full 3d remake of bionic commando coming.

I loved the demo of Bionic Commando on PSN and almost bought it. The only thing stopping me is that gorgeous awesome looking remake coming soon! Anyone have more info on this game? Should I wait for the big thing or should I play the Rearmed version? I never played the original NES game but looks like I have missed something epic!
You really think it looks bad cracker?

I saw one prewview and it was shitty (the buy playing it was a huge noob) then I saw some more later and it's shaping up to be ok. I can't say I am hyped to hell with this but I am curious. I also learned the 3d project is a remake so I'll pick up rearmed today.
Yes, please take all discussion into the other topic.


EDIT: Actually, the other topic is about Rearmed, while this one seem to be focusing on the new Next Gen Bionic Commando. So, unclosed!

I've seen previews of the multi-player battles in BC and they look incredibly boring. The devs want "wide, open maps"... yeah, or like completely bare.

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