Best Video Game Intros

The best intro, mainly due to the music, is the one for Fallout 2. Nothing like a little Louis Armstrong to get you in the gaming mood.

- C!
Definitely FF VIII.

As well as MGS 3, and MGS 2 with the bridge jump was just awesome. The opening intro for that game was perfectly made down to the font used for the credits and when they appeared and the music as well.

Also, MGS 4 (future prediction :p )

Recently, God Of War, had an awesome opening as well. With the first level. The moment you smack that hydra's head inside the ship's walls you know you're in for a treat.

Opener for Tekken 5 was cool.

That's off the top of my head.
Oooo, and Fear Effect 2. I would say one but I don't remember it very well.

Those games were pretty cinematic. Curses on whoever is responsible for canceling part 3.

There was also Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver, which was interesting.

The opener for Silent Hill wins points for the especially creepy music. I actually have a sung version, though it just includes the openning riff.

Edit: Sorry about the double post. A "delete" button wouldn't hurt.
^ for future references try not to double post use the edit button :D

Beware other posters may flame you if you choose not to :evil:
a delete button would be nice. and we used to have them too, but a couple years ago or so, one poster informed the grandmasters of the common knowledge that when a post was deleted, it did not lower your post count. it was swiftly removed to prevent spammers from deleting and reposting constantly just to rasie post count.
OK guys, try to keep on topic here.

What about the Evil Genius one? It was funny, but not exactly 'ground-breaking'.

I really enjoyed the We Love Katamari one.

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