Batman: Arkham Asylum demo - problems installing


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Hey guys.

While I was out at work today I left my PS3 on downloading the demo of Batman: Arkham Asylum. The download was on the download screen but when I got home the game didn't install properly and it's as if the game didn't even download at all. Does anyone now why or how this could happen and how it could be prevented?

I'm currently re-downloading it again but this time I've got it in the PS3 background... but I'm told not to do that apparently? >_<
I'm not too sure about the PS3 but with the Xbox 360 that problem occurs when there are large amounts of people trying to download it as well.
As I view this thread, my PS3's browser cursor starts freaking out...

I installed it no problem.
Sometimes, for some reason I don't know, the download corrupts. Re-download is the only cure.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it.

So far I've attempted to download Arkham Asylum a total of four times now, five included when my brother tried very early in the morning. All attempts have not worked. I guess I'll have to wait for the game to come out.
UghRochester said:
I'm not too sure about the PS3 but with the Xbox 360 that problem occurs when there are large amounts of people trying to download it as well.
Strange, Because I've only had that problem with Dead rising's demo.
Yeah I never had the problem until I was trying to download Halo Wars...maybe it's just a bug in the connection.
I didn't have any problems on my PS3, but I had a similar problem once. Check how much space you have on the HD. Just kidding, I had problems because of interuptions to the connection (router was going crazy). I imagine this led to holes in the download or something.

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