Bafta 2013 Games Awards


Winners are:

Best Game: Dishonored

Online Multiplayer: Journey

Game Design: Journey

Artistic Achievement: Journey

Original Music: Journey

Audio Achievement: Journey

Mobile & Handheld: The Walking Dead

Story: The Walking Dead

Game Innovation: The Unfinished Swan

Debut Game: The Unfinished Swan

Action: Far Cry 3

British Game: The Room

Performer: Danny Wallace - Thomas Was Alone

Family: Lego Batman 2

Strategy: Xcom - Enemy Unknown

Ones to Watch: Kind of a Big Deal - Starcrossed

Online Browser: SongPop

Sports/Fitness: New Star Soccer

Fellowship: Gabe Newell

Seems a pretty reasonable set of winners, anyone disagree?
The only games on this list that I've played are Far Cry 3 and New Star Soccer.

Far Cry 3 was bloody immense, that deserved the action award certainly!
New Star Soccer for best sport game!? I'm not so sure about that one! I just played that when I was bored. I certainly wouldn't pay money to play it.

I've also never heard of "The Room" (being British and all).

Also, what's The Unifnished Swan? The best innovative game sounds pretty interesting. If anyone's played it let me know your thoughts!
MattAY said:
Also, what's The Unfinished Swan? The best innovative game sounds pretty interesting. If anyone's played it let me know your thoughts!
Imagine someone offering you a sample of a new kind of candy, and when you try it, it's the most uniquely delicious thing you have ever tasted. Then, they ask you if you'd like to buy some by the box. You take ten.

That's pretty much The Unfinished Swan. I should make that my review for the game, now.
De-Ting said:
MattAY said:
Also, what's The Unfinished Swan? The best innovative game sounds pretty interesting. If anyone's played it let me know your thoughts!
Imagine someone offering you a sample of a new kind of candy, and when you try it, it's the most uniquely delicious thing you have ever tasted. Then, they ask you if you'd like to by some by the box. You take ten.

That's pretty much The Unfinished Swan. I should make that my review for the game, now.

I just checked out the gameplay videos. Holy crap, it's immense. I...I want a PS3 now :'(
It seems reasonable for Journey. I mean the game was huge in terms of non-casual gaming. Although I didn't like the multiplayer idea of it - I think PSN as a publisher sometimes has to leave some of the game developers to go with only singleplayer.
Wow, I've watched "The Unfinished Swan" - looks interesting and I didn't see any multiplayer, which is curious :lol:

danielrbischoff said:
Welcome to the forums altras!
Offtopic: thanks! This is not my first post though - I started with an article about a game (WarCluster) that excites me, but I guess the moderators have deleted it :)

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