Arrested Development Watching Party (STARTS THURS Sign up!)

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I'm absolutely in. I think six episodes a week is good. It's only 22 minutes or so per episode in Netflix so it shouldn't be a problem for anyone to find time for that in a week.
used44 said:
This isn't until May, right?
I'm not sure when the new episodes come out, but I'm talking about watching the original series (I'm not really looking forward to the new season because I don't think they can capture lightning like that twice. Some key component of the production staff will be missing and the show will suffer for it.)
Yeah, May for the new season.

Also? A possible idea for a future viewing club: Doctor Who. Netflix has it starting from the 2005 series up to I think last season. That's a lot to digest at hour long episodes, but we could do a season, do another show, and alternate like that. Just an idea. Depends on who hasn't seen Doctor Who.
I'm down for Archer. My brother had been on me to watch that for years. I need to catch up.
Cool so Arrested Development it is. I'll leave this thread open for another 24-48 hours and then start a new one on for our discussion!
You're signing up right now. I'll be starting a thread for the discussion Thursday morning.

I'm suggesting a time table of 12 episodes a week. The first season has 22, second 18, third 13.

S01E01 - S01E12

S01E13 - S02E02

S02E03 - S02E14

S02E15 - S03E08

S03E08 - S03E13
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