Arkham Knight - Batmobile Edition cancelled world wide


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A mate of mine posted this on Facebook yesterday early in the morning. He got an e-mail from EB Games telling him that the Batmobile Edition of Batman: Arkham Knight has been cancelled world wide, due to "unforeseen circumstances that greatly compromised the quality of the product" - one week before release date.

Like any fan would be, my mate wasn't happy about this at all and after contacting the local EB Games, they essentially re-explained the e-mail, that it's not the retailers fault and it's the manufacturers fault and there is nothing they can do about it except offer what alternative has already been offered by retailers under the guidance of Warner Bros. Games.

For those who have pre-ordered the Batmobile Edition, there are three options retailers are providing. The first option is a full refund. The second option is a discounted purchase of the special edition of Batman: Arkham Knight, and the third and final option is a further discount on the standard edition of the game. All purchases will receive extra skin packs of Batman, Robin and Nightwing.

Personally this doesn't affect me at all as I pre-ordered the Limited Edition version (with the Batman statue). It's easily understandable as to why customers are pissed. One week before release and they're told they're no longer getting their product and that they have these three limited options. Sadly due to lack of stock due to the time, these customers can't even get their hands on the Limited Edition as it's mostly sold out. Honestly I think the retailers (or Warner Bros.) should at least throw in a free season pass or something.

What do you guys think? Do you know anyone who was affected by this?

This is it. Basically, it comes with all the same DLC as the Special Edition and the Limited Edition, but it also comes with a steel book, art book, comic book (same as the Limited) but the big seller was a big arse "statue" of the new Batmobile. It was supposed to light up and even transform into the Batmobile's tank mode, so basically it was a giant toy.

It was ridiculously expensive though. The Limited Edition is about $160 AUD ($124 USD) while the Batmobile Edition was $350 AUD I believe, possibly more ($272 USD roughly).

As much as I love my collectables, I didn't worry about the Batmobile Edition because it was too expensive and it was apparently huge, I don't quite have the room for it. Apparently the Batmobile Edition sold out of pre-orders within the first month of its announcement.

Below is the Limited Edition... exactly the same content as the Batmobile Edition, just with a swapped collectable. I think the Batman statue looks cooler than the Batmobile statue anyway.

I only pre-order games I want. Can't really waste money. I'm also too impatient to wait a year after the game's release for the GOTY edition. I rarely buy DLCs anymore unless they're story add-ons. Season passes nowadays are just a couple story add-ons (if any), maps and skins.

If I were a teenager staying with my mom, I would get the collector's edition, because only then I would have money to spend on useless junk. Sucks your friend and many others won't receive this though.
Me too Ugh - when it comes to DLC I don't buy it very often unless it's storyline DLC for a game I'm really enjoying. As for the Batmobile and limited edition, well I can afford the limited edition but the Batmobile edition was just way too expensive for me and at the end of the day, it'd be a +$350 paperweight for me.

I feel bad for those who won't be receiving what they ordered, especially considering it was a week away until release.
I don't think so, no. A mate of mine works at EB Games and he told me the stock arrived yesterday. A friend of mine who works at JB Hi-Fi (Australia's version of Best Buy) told me the stock arrived on Monday as well.

Should be all good. :)
I got mine working fine though frames still drops , I had to use that FPS tweak, switching my phys-x settings to GPU . The problem seems to be the obnoxious motion blur which you can't disable without the game freezing.

At least they admitted that they messed up rather than saying, "All PC gamers are pirates so screw them."
I'm really surprised how Batman: Arkham Knight runs on the PS4. It looks great and it runs pretty smoothly. I've yet to notice any frame rate drops.

Funnily enough though, it's not like The Witcher III: Wild Hunt. Sure, that ran like shit on PC at first, but patches eventually rectified that. Even with patches, Wild Hunt doesn't run that great on the PS4. It runs okay, but the frame rate can get sluggish during moments of heavy combat and detailed weather (fighting in the rain, for example).

I played Arkham Knight last night while the day one 3.5 GB patch was downloading, so I left the download on over night with my PS4 on rest mode. I'm interested to see how Arkham Knight will run with this patch installed.
Halting PC Sales
"We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall.
Holy shit.

PC players should receive some sort of compensation for this... hell, Batmobile customers should receive better compensation for what they're all ready getting.

Not the best launch, huh?
You know that would piss me off. First they announced the game for October release date (pretty sure they announced the game in June or July) and then they delayed it for June. They already delayed the game once and it should have been good to go on all platforms it launched for. Man, the QA teams didn't do a good job, huh?
Wasnt sure where to post this but the devs have now officially given up on multiGPU support. They just don't give a fuck about pc gamers!

We've been working with our development and graphics driver partners over the last few months to investigate utilizing multi-GPU support within Batman: Arkham Knight. The result was that even the best case estimates for performance improvements turned out to be relatively small given the high risk of creating new issues for all players. As a result we've had to make the difficult decision to stop work on further multi-GPU support. We are disappointed that this was not practical and apologize to those who have been waiting for this feat

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