Are you a Lefty?

Left hand is the finesse hand, right is the power. I write left-handed, and do most sports right-handed. I can play much more intricate parts on bass lines on piano than treble lines with my right hand. It goes both ways though because when I had an intense shoulder surgery I had to step up the right hand for things like writing and eating. (Try eating cereal with the wrong hand, it's good for a couple chuckles!)

And I recently watched GATTACA again and must say when the doctor says, "right-handed men don't hold it with their left" during the pee test scene...he's lying or I'm an anamoly.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Left hand is the finesse hand, right is the power. I write left-handed, and do most sports right-handed.

Same here, I eat and write left handed but do anything that requires strength with my right. I have tried the switch hit with masturbating but my left hand tends to want to circles more so than straight up and down....just thought I'd share.
Bretimus_v2 said:
"right-handed men don't hold it with their left" during the pee test scene...he's lying or I'm an anamoly.

I most definitely hold mine with my right hand.
keepithowitis said:
It's much more comfortable in the left.
And de-ting, what exactly are you doing that stretches out your balls..
I follow the art of the tanooki warrior. My huge testicles are my secret weapon, besides my huge tentacles.
I am a righty, but have had to force myself to use my left hand at times. Like when my tendon shit started happening and I had to wear a brace thingy on my right hand. I can write with my left hand, but it takes forever and looks terrible. So I can use my left hand for a bunch of stuff. I would just prefer to use the right.

I have noticed that my left arm is stronger but doesn't have as much stamina as my right arm. That may or may not be normal. :p
Trippysmurf said:
Lefties die on average 7 years before Righties.

But, as the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa, left-handed people are the only ones in their right minds.

To the point, I am a left-handed person, but I'm right-footed, and right-eyed. I eat right-handed (that's fork in the left hand), play hockey and golf right-handed, and Guitar Hero right-handed.

Of course, you could just remember the words of Kerim in From Russia With Love: "No, James. Among these people, the left hand is used for only one thing."

That or "Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough." I think they both apply.

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