Anyone into Fitness? Weightlifting?

I know that video games and physical fitness don't often go together, but it doesn't mean it can't.

Do any of you work out? Run? Lift? MMA? Serious fap sessions that could qualify for a workout?

What does GR do to stay healthy?
I used to, got a room full of exercise equipment, when I was playing rugby I would work out frequently

then I quit caring how I looked, quit caring how others looked at me, and now here I sit, in my boxers eating cheetos at 10 in the morning
Used to ride a bike to the train station, and then to work, but it's crapped out on me. We have an exercise bike now. I also try to lift my free-weights regularly and do sit-ups, squats and stretches.

I'm not very athletic, because of my asthma. Tried using an inhaler as a kid, but it never really worked. Still, I'm pretty slim, but definitely not scrawny. I'm in the minority for my height and weight.
I do resistance and cardio. 1200 reps at 100 pounds in 30 minutes of resistance for arms.
Not trying to bulk up, just stay toned.
7.5 - 11.5 miles on my treadmill, if I have the time. If I don't have the time I'll get in a mile run. If I'm watching tv, I'm on the treadmill. I see it as a wasted opportunity if I'm not doing so. I've also changed my diet to help out. Lots of veggies and fruit. You burn more calories digesting celery than you take in by eating it; eat your broccoli raw; cucumbers fill you up without packing calories. Mix it up so you're never bored. Once your stomach is full of anything you'll stop eating. I'm somewhat of a part time vegetarian. Stuff like that. BUT i fucked up my knee a little bit this week so I've been going heavy protein...basically, I've got some work to do (4 days on the treadmill). I've also been indulging on chocolate this week, which is really my only vice. I've had maybe 3 sodas this entire year. It's just empty calories. Don't mess with Gatorade and Powerade, either. Same reason. Water and milk and a protein supplement.
Some pushups and situps, but not enough. I rip my core every time with my situps and it fucks me up for 2 to 3 days. Really I need to join a real gym, and I will sometime this fall.
Hiking, walking, firewood making and such things. My work is also pretty physical, but sometimes when I'm bored I go for a jog and workout in an "outdoor gym".
Affen said:
Hiking, walking, firewood making and such things.

You know Survivor is just a game right? lol jk

My work out life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes I'm on top of my game sometimes I'm not. In 2011 I had a good exercise routine and was looking alright. But in December I went through a really nasty break-up that left me super depressed and caused a lot of weight gain. Now I'm trying to get rid of the extra pounds. easier said than done.

I joined a gym two months ago and I'm getting back on track. It's always hard at first though when your body has grown accustomed to not doing any physical activity for over 6 months.I sit in front of a computer all day at work so I haven't been exercising at all. The trick is not to push yourself too hard, otherwise you'll kill yourself in the gym, get discouraged and quit.

I'm doing cardio Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and lifting weights Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's a 24 hour gym so I like to go super early in the morning before work when there are only 1-2 other people there.

I'm also trying to work on my diet and buy healthy stuff at the grocery store instead of frozen dinners. Dating a vegetarian now so that works.
Very good. I had no idea you all were staying so healthy.

A long time ago, before I got into games journalism, I was a personal trainer. Phenomenal shape. But five years ago I herniated two discs in my spine, had to have surgery, and basically fucked everything up for myself.

The pain left me in a depression which had me gaining over 100 lbs, and I became completely sedentary. Working at the computer all day didn't help things.

Almost a year ago now, I decided to get control of my pain. I've lost over 80 lbs now.

Anyway, I've been following a strength training program - heavy squats, overhead press, bench press, deadlifts - and today I smashed a personal goal I've had for over a decade.

I've always wanted to deadlift 315 (3 45 lb plates on each side of the barbell - something about that many plates made it seem impossible), and not only did I do it today, but I did it for five reps.

Felt really great going from thinking I'd barely ever even walk again, to doing something like this. Was a good motivating moment for me, and I wanted to share. Texted my wife and told her I "Booker T'd my goal weight"...
Boxing gym - used to go 3-4x a week.. now with school and work, its Friday and I haven't been.

Before that it was Football and all the circuit training surrounding it. Boxing it a WAY better workout.

I'd love to drop 80lbs in a year. What were you eating?

I'm 245 now and can't seem to drop
UrbanMasque said:
Boxing gym - used to go 3-4x a week.. now with school and work, its Friday and I haven't been.

Before that it was Football and all the circuit training surrounding it. Boxing it a WAY better workout.

I'd love to drop 80lbs in a year. What were you eating?

I'm 245 now and can't seem to drop

I boxed when I was younger to, phenomenal work out, you should look into kick boxing if you enjoyed boxing, it's less on raw power but a lot of technique, work a lot on core strength and balance

It's a shame I wasn't old enough to see the benefits and quit because it wasn't an instant gratification ordeal, more of a life time dedication
I'm a fatass but i'm the only fatass i know who does 25 pushups every 2nd morning and a whole bunch of weights in between those days.
This is to keep up the strength i got when i was working for my parents - lifting 10-30kg all day every day for a few months will help you bulk up, and considering i can still lift and throw my 90kg mate i seem to have kept it.

Need to lose between 10-20kg between now and November for a bunch of reasons, so i'm gonna have to go buy some delicious carrots and apples soon and start doing my pushups every day combined with some hiking.
UrbanMasque said:
I'd love to drop 80lbs in a year. What were you eating?

I'm 245 now and can't seem to drop

I'm doing calorie cycling. 3500 calories on training days (3 days a week) with high carbs, moderate fats, high protein, 2200 calories on non-training days with very low carbs, high fat, high protein.

A typical training day starts with a pre-workout drink. Then after the gym I have 8oz grape juice then whey protein. Breakfast is a egg, bacon, reduced fat american cheese breakfast sandwich on a multi-grain bagel, and some fruit. Lunch, some sort of cold cut sandwhich on wheat bread, with kettlecooked chips (healthy sunflower oil fats are great for you). Snack usually around 4PM, I'll have some mixed nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachio), and granola bar/pop tart/something carby. Dinner very healthy, and balanced, but still a big meal. Casein protein drink around 9PM.

Non-training day kicks off with just a whey protein drink, then eggs, and usually oatmeal. Lunch will be another sandwich or a salad, but no chips or extra carbs. I like to add things like avacado or more mixed nuts. Dinner, again, balanced meal, still large, but mostly protein, and low carb like beans and leafy greens.

Diet is everything. The exercise obviously helps, but it's the diet that causes fat loss. Lifting heavy weights primes your hormonal response for nutrient partitioning, meaning less of the food you eat goes to fat, goes to muscle instead, and helps you lose fat faster.

It was a bitch at first getting the diet down, I used to eat like complete shit. Whole packages (not just sleeves) of oreos and milk late at night while watching TV. This after probably eating chinese food or pizza. I fucking love pizza and still have it at least once a week, I just make sure I work it into my calories and macronutrients.

Use this to find out how many calories you should consume.

Use this to get an idea of what your macro breakdown should be.
Know the martial artist video game analyst (who's name I forget) sets a ... standard ... but..

I've done Shaolin Kung Fu for 8 years. Only wanted to get smarter in high school, didn't work out at all so I could work my ass off to get money for college (no parents to support). After a massive depression I got out of one day and started the 'complete opposite revolution' deal, which meant working on the body. I've never regretted it, I feel amazing now and dropped 70 lbs or so over the time. And now I can be a kung fu action hero, rather than just play as one.

Shaolin is great for me too because I've always found exercising more boring than reading/studying/anything else. I'm not very competitive, so I never cared for sports. Since kung fu has the forms, memorization, where you're striking, how you're striking, alternate applications, and then the goal of 'no-mind' - I'm never at a boring moment.

Trying to drop the 'last' 15 or so lbs right now, and while I have a good diet, it's not great. Been slowly loosing some fat just be being mindful of how much I eat and eating a bit better, but I really need to start I regimented diet. Sev, that diet sounds like a great idea.
MasterRabbi said:
Know the martial artist video game analyst (who's name I forget) sets a ... standard ... but..

I've done Shaolin Kung Fu for 8 years.

This is one thing I've always wanted to do, but just never bite the bullet and did it. I don't know much about Shaolin-style except what Wu-Tang Clan taught me, but any form of Kung-Fu, or martial art really appeals to me. Not just the training and bad ass moves, but the discipline.

I'm gonna check out some Shaolin Kung-Fu videos this weekend.

And are you talking about that Paul Gale guy? Beware his Gale-force whirlwind kick. It is deadly. :)
I need to start working out more.

Though for me, I live on top of a hill. So I walk up and down it to class every day, which is about a mile or so walk each direction. And that's all the exercise I get.
WickedLiquid said:
You know Survivor is just a game right? lol jk

Do you mean I have been living on a desolated beach for the past weeks for nothing!?

But really, I don't like to exercise for the sake of it. I like to get it from my daily activities and hobbies.
The thought of organised sport or entering a gym sends shivers through my spine. Maybe some childhood traumas from all the sports my parents forced me in.
Oh, the discipline is great, and it's very humbling. Can always do it better :)

New England has a good cropping of Hung Gar (Ga) schools from an immigrant years ago, which is a style I'm very interested in. It's near the top of reasons I'd want to move to the northeast. Typically is not a 'fast' discipline though, with much time spent on stances and honing basic movements.

I'm with Lien as well, I started studying the internal track as well (Tai Chi, meditation) and it is wonderful.
Anthony_Severino said:
Very good. I had no idea you all were staying so healthy.

A long time ago, before I got into games journalism, I was a personal trainer. Phenomenal shape. But five years ago I herniated two discs in my spine, had to have surgery, and basically fucked everything up for myself.

The pain left me in a depression which had me gaining over 100 lbs, and I became completely sedentary. Working at the computer all day didn't help things.

Almost a year ago now, I decided to get control of my pain. I've lost over 80 lbs now.

Anyway, I've been following a strength training program - heavy squats, overhead press, bench press, deadlifts - and today I smashed a personal goal I've had for over a decade.

I've always wanted to deadlift 315 (3 45 lb plates on each side of the barbell - something about that many plates made it seem impossible), and not only did I do it today, but I did it for five reps.

Felt really great going from thinking I'd barely ever even walk again, to doing something like this. Was a good motivating moment for me, and I wanted to share. Texted my wife and told her I "Booker T'd my goal weight"...

Your story sounds a lot like mine. A while back I was really into sports. Football, basketball mostly. I would be up at the park playing pickup games from noon to night during the summers. It all stopped when I tore my ACL during on of those games. Due to unfortunate circumstances (like not having health insurance or having a job that wouldn't let me have time off to have surgery) I've never gotten it fixed. After that I stopped doing a lot of things. Then I settled down. When the wife was pregnant, I started getting big with her.

Now she is on my case to lose weight and I know I need to as well but it is tough to build up the momentum to keep going. Plus, the diet thing is a nightmare for me. I love food. Especially comfort food. I cook a lot and the things I cook are good as hell but not particularly healthy for you. I quit smoking five years ago and it was easier for me to go cold turkey with that that it has been for me to give up certain foods.

We got a move coming up and I told her once we settle down in our new place I was going to get serious and start shedding some pounds but it's something that I'm not actually looking forward to because it is going to be a grind.
Yes I love running outside (not treadmill) and gym, I go almost everyday :) I would love to cycle outside but don't have a bike. Really need to get into swimming more too.

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