any mmorpg's that you can recommend?

now when you say mmorpgs what exactly you mean like internet ones or ones were you go out buy and install into your computer?
kingg5 said:
now when you say mmorpgs what exactly you mean like internet ones or ones were you go out buy and install into your computer?

uhmm yeah im sorry..the internet one..and that is free to play mmorpg's
weedend said:
kingg5 said:
now when you say mmorpgs what exactly you mean like internet ones or ones were you go out buy and install into your computer?

uhmm yeah im sorry..the internet one..and that is free to play mmorpg's
depends what kind you looking for? looking for mmorpg that is like wow or something..or maybe ragnarok..stuffs like that..with pvp features..
Tyrranis said:
weedend said:
hey..mmorpg gamer here..any new mmorpg's that you can recommend? that is free to plaY?
thanks :D

Why, yes there is.

None of them. They are all a waste of time.

Seriously, all the free MMOs suck donkey butt. Many of the paid MMOs suck donkey butt, just nto as much as the free ones. My reccomendation: Stop being cheap and just buy EVE: Online.
EliaSoZ said:
Guild Wars doesn't require monthly fees. You might wanna try that.

uhmm..i dont think guildwars is have to pay for the cd..what i mean of free is that it is absolutely free that you'll just have to download the game and play.
You won't find anything good that way.

Your next best bet to a free MMORPG is Guild Wars. It's one of the few where you don't pay for the game more than once.
uhmm..ive found out just today about WYDII (with your destiny II) and ive read that they're opening their closed beta world server sometime this can check out their latest updates of the game through
you surely don’t wanna miss this one out..
9Dragons is ..what it is, somewhat innovative in structure, but as a whole all those games are just spin-offs of the other, nothing really good out there for "free" unless you want to pirate things..Which even still doesn't compare to the full experience you get paying for the game. Rappelz, FLYFF, RYL II, are some that come to mind that I remember playing for short duration or at least reading about..So look into those if you wish.

As stated before, get EVE. It's certainly worth it and Guild Wars is pretty decent.

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