Aliens and UFO's n shit.

yah. But I don't think we're getting visited or probed. More like the two ships that pass in the night, except without all the cool seafaring radio jargon.
I will remain skeptical to the common UFO claim, which is the one with small grey ones and what not, that walks about only seems to like and anal probe American rednecks.
It is fun how an average higher educated population makes UFO sightings less likely.
Are there aliens that have visited earth? Probably not, but it's always possible.

Is there life on other planets. Most likely. The universe is big, so the chances of life elsewhere is great.
Longo_2_guns said:
Are there aliens that have visited earth? Probably not, but it's always possible.

Is there life on other planets. Most likely. The universe is big, so the chances of life elsewhere is great.

Everything is possible, but it is improbable that some super intelligent lifeform has travelled to Earth. If we have to consider the evidence (that is scientific).

Life on other planets is also something that I also find likely, we know that life arose on Earth through a natural process, and with materials that are abundant in the Universe.
If it is intelligent life, well that is also possible.
Well i personally believe they have visited on many occasions and that the world governments are covering it up.

Have you guys seen Ancient Aliens by the History channel? Blew my mind on the possibilities.
History channel is filled with so much bollocks.
They are a commercial channel, that even bring stories where they find "evidence" for Biblical events. Which later has been shown to either be fake, or not biblical at all.

Their creditability is null in my book. :)
Heck even has "evidence" of Aliens. IT is silly, show me something scientific, and not speculation, then we have something to discuss :p
There is scientific proof, except its been covered up by the relevant authorities.

UFO's/Aliens theories aren't taken seriously by academics because they can't study it. It's been right in front of us on many occasions but because the government keep covering it up, it's considered a 'fantasy'.

There was a huge story about a UFO visit near my area in the 60's commonly labelled the Westall 66. The Army came in and told everyone to stfu and burnt the surrounding ground.

Nothing sus right?
lokness said:
There is scientific proof, except its been covered up by the relevant authorities.

UFO's/Aliens theories aren't taken seriously by academics because they can't study it. It's been right in front of us on many occasions but because the government keep covering it up, it's considered a 'fantasy'.

There was a huge story about a UFO visit near my area in the 60's commonly labelled the Westall 66. The Army came in and told everyone to stfu and burnt the surrounding ground.

Nothing sus right?

"There is also evidence for the existence of the Christian God, but the evil atheist scientists have covered this up. "

You cannot just make a claim, saying there is evidence, and say that it has been removed. Sources please?

Regarding the Westfall 1966 incident, it all based on eyewitness testimonies, and the documentary that was made about it, has been pointed out to be contradictionary and contains ad hom. Not reliable at all.

It is a cop-out to say that you want to believe in a claim, but your evidence has been removed by the evil government.
It is just like the 9-11 was a inside job people.
LOL if anything its the Christians and religious folk that have it all covered up. The Vatican society and all that stuff claimed a few years ago they're accepting that there could be aliens and intelligent life forms.

I havent seen the Westall 66 doco, but i heard about how there is little to no archive documents about it. Even one of the Lt. Army guy said that they kill documents all the time because they contain 'too much info' or was harmful to the public. A bit like the Bible.
Can you provide sources about who this Lt. Army guy was, and what he exactly said.
Of course there would also be little to no documents about something that did not happen.
Again, provide sources for this incident, and why you think it is legit.

The Vatican actually has a lot of money invested into scientific research, they accept science, they just like to put magic on top of it aswell.
They have astronomers hired at the Vatican observatorium. So yes they accept that there could be a possiblity that there could be life other places in the universe.
But there is a big leap from life in the universe to aliens visiting the Earth.
I find the odds of there being other life in our universe smart enough to build a spaceship able to bend the fabric of our reality and understanding enough to make visiting Earth viable and in small enough numbers to actually be covered up so slim i deign to justify them with a number.
Even slimmer are the chances that this race would crash in a desert, as many people suggest.

After all, we're talking about a race supposedly able to travel at FTL speeds with the ability to find life on other planets like Earth, only to crash into a desert and die?
I scoff at the idea.

I hold no doubts that there is other life in this universe, it's almost impossible to think otherwise with the uncountable number of worlds out there, nor do i doubt that some of this life would be intelligent, but intelligent can range from being able to comprehend the universe perfectly to being able to remember not to eat their own offspring.

I'm inclined to go with the theory of the 1966 incident being the result of NASA testing the Northrop M2-F1/2 in allied countries with extreme climates.
I agree with you Madster.
This super intelligent lifeform, that can can do stuff that we feeble humans cannot comprehend does stuff that seems very irrational, such as crashing, and not being able to retrieve their own guys or technology.

But then you get people such as David Icke that would say we are ruled by these aliens, the little grey ones are using all the goverments in the world (or just the powerful ones) as puppets. That is reason why we do not have any evidence.
I have heard people trying to explain to me how this is connected to 9/11 aswell, as how the aliens covered missiles in holograms and that was what crashed into the twin towers.

Super intelligent alien life on Earth, very improbable.
I think we're all missing the OBVIOUS sign of aliens, and it's not the danish.

Women. Aliens the lot of them. reproducin' and stuff. That's science fiction right there.
Tylzen said:
Their creditability is null in my book. :)
Heck even has "evidence" of Aliens. IT is silly, show me something scientific, and not speculation, then we have something to discuss :p

I read through that entire site, and too be honest...

It might be possible, but the thing is, even if Reptiles did create us and are currently manipulating us, there is no way to be sure according to that website, and the only way to know is to take a blind's eye and believe in evidence that could have been created in thousands of different ways, And him saying it's real and it's undeniable is hypocritical, for obvious reasons.

For instance, the images depicting planes and helicopters engraved into an Egyptian building, While it is possible it's original meaning involved something about an aircraft. You need to take in consideration Creativity, Originality, and Misinterpretation.

When I mean Creativity, I mean the possibility of a human to draw something that resembles any technology before it was invented, Who says it isn't possible? Hell, I can create an image of a Spacecraft right now, who says it can't be invented?

When I mean Originality, I mean the possibility of a human taking the art (In this term, the image resembling a technology) from someone else, Allowing the art to, basically travel around the world through Word of Mouth or various other ways. It does favor one of his arguments a little, but it debunks his argument about the Reptiles creating Dragons, Wyverns, etc.

When I mean Misinterpretation, I mean the possibility of a human misunderstanding the original meaning of the image, Obvious reasoning here.

Basically what I'm trying to say here is that there is so many possible explanations, theories, evidence, etc. That it's just a jumbled mess of information, And it all boils down to what you want to believe in.

Plus, this is the internet age, any of the proof on the site could have been edited to add those references.

EDIT: I forgot to mention some of his reasoning for the Reptiles creating Dinosaurs is a little stupid. according to the site, there purpose was to scare off other alien races from earth, but the thing is, That's completely retarded because If a alien race has spacecraft technology, they would just USE them to kill off the dinosaurs and the Reptiles. Plus, if the reptiles were using humanity as a resource, why not just use dinosaurs? Really now.

EDIT2: PLUS a lot of his arguments rely on human stereotypes, specifically when it gets to the subject about women. You could say he's talking about the mainstream crowd and not the few select individuals that aren't complete idiots, but he clearly states several times humanity is pre-programmed, so why do few of us clearly stray off of this programming? You could say programming error and you could say that this allows enough diversity for culture, but even then, why not just make us ALL believe? and not have all these people that can easily ruin your scheme.

EDIT3: I went overboard didn't I?

What you're seeing is big.... very.... very.... big... so big that the largest star we know of would be smalled than 1/4 of a single pixel in this picture. Holy cheese and crackers, there HAS to be other forms of life out there.

So my question is WTF is the big glow in the middle? Please keep your answer short otherwise I'll lose interest and make up my own ending to your theory.

I like to piss of Atheists and say it's heaven.
^Oh we learned about that in Chem (for whatever reason)..

It's like a clusterfuck of stars surrounding a black hole, cuz there's a massive black hole in the center of most (if not all) galaxies. And I'm pretty sure that all the planets' and stars' gravitational pulls on each other prevent them from getting sucked in further, like how we're never getting pulled closer to the Sun.

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