

And I don't mean, your occassional drinker, or youth drinking 5 times a week. I mean woman aged 40+ going throuh a divorce, proper drinking at 9 am and breaking things, passing out naked in the hallway, pissing herself and all over the carpet, making a complete mess, stealing my alcohol and sometimes food now too. Hiccuping through the night, in her room alone screaming and throwing things, turning over the sofa and throwing things in the lounge, laying on the floor banging on my door rying to come into my room and sleep in my bed, being sick throughout the night, pulling the bathroom door off the hinges. I've tried speaking to her because I've been through a bad relationship as well for 4 years and she's told me to shut up, I have my life still ahead of me and hers is over.

There was a time that I felt bad for alcoholics. They have a deep issue and they just need some help. But for fuck sakes!!!! I'm going insane!!! And I am a patient person! I've even carried her to bed one day and tucked her in, got her water. I've never seen anyone so drunk in my life.

Its been going on for months and months, but It drew the line today at 6pm I am making dinner and noticed my new bottle of vodka gone. Im not planning to have a drink until the weekend, or maybe even next but It's also not like it's 11pm and no shops are open. It's broad daylight, the shop is 4 houses down the road. Really??!

I live in a house with 7 other people, and it sounds like a lot, but it's over 4 stories, and 4 bathrooms so it feels massive. I trust everyone and am friends with everyone in the house except her. so today I know it was her taking a picture of the lounge and kitchen and complaining about all of us and the landlord emails, if we don't shape up, we all get 2 months notice! I'm fuming and just need to vent. I'm about to write the landlord now.

Anyways anyone else have any stories or need to vent??! :p
Phew feel abit better now...
How the heck is she paying to be there? Tell the landlord she needs to be sent to a rehab center.

As for me, I don't have enough money! I'm probably borderline lethargic, so I can't balance a job and a service mission right now. I'm sick of society enforcing mediocrity and glorifying stupidity. Dan's pissing me off. It's so freakin' hot outside. My iPod is nearly broken and there's no way I'm gonna be able to get a new one. Video games are still boring. Something's going on downtown and it smells like The Great Mighty Poo.

I know that people in GR been kinda mean towards seven steps program before, but please for heaven sakes, look into Alanon. Not AA, just al-anon. It's a support group of people living or friends with people who are goign through a hard time and mixing everything with alcohol. I don't know if there is a place near you, but please look into it, it sounds scary or stupid at first.In the long run it helped me and everyone i know that went through it. Plus it's free!

Anyhoo, yeah i got my share of stories involving alcohol... namely my father. Ever since i knew him he was always perching for a drink. Mostly wine at first but then he started to do heineken and even cognac. Everytime we went out and he had the opportunity, he'd drink. Especially at macdonald (they serve beer in france) And boy he embarrassed me there... horribly. I remember we were out for a picnic and he started laughing out loud... then some of my classmate came by and i swear i heard them snicker. I felt like crying that day...

I spoke to him about it before i left france on that issue. He didn't take it kindly but i told him he needed help. And huh... let's jsut say i've never talked to him face to face ever since... Though we e-mail and stuff and like exchange cat videos... ya know father and son stuff.

But aye i got loads more, like the time he threaten to throw me out for being loud for playing starcraft too loud... glass of wine in hand... Sigh... /end vent

Hope this cheered you up though.
The thing about Al-Anon is that it really only works if the person you care about is going through constant AA meetings at the same time.

And alcoholics don't get better unless they want to get better. That's the one thing I know. Some people are too stubborn to give it up, or think they're fine or know better, I dunno what.
Well my father never went to AA, didn't stop me for going to meetings for more then 5 years. I stop going there for 3 years now though. And al-anon isn't about making things work or making a guy sober, it's talking to each other and giving each other support.

And for the case of giving up alcohol, Longo is right, ya can't force them, they gotta force themselve. It's best not to mention that you want that, just tell them you care for them and you are worried WITHOUT mentioning the drinks. It'll just anger them
I know sooo many alcoholics... But most are functioning alcoholics. Drink every single day but get up and go to work in the morning and do what needs to be done.

Worst experiences ive had with alcoholics are my last landlord, and neighbors/friends of ours from an old place we lived.

My last roommate was an alcoholic, drank every single day he lived with me, brother was an alcoholic, one of my best friends is an alcoholic, good friend of my brothers is a badd alcoholic, but like i said theyre all functioning, and my bro finally got his act together.

Two of his best friends died for random reasons out of the blue. We're pretty sure thats what spurred it on. One day i just pretty bluntly said youre a fucking idiot, youre gonna ruin your life and lose your girlfriend if you dont smarten up. We dont share our feelings very often and dont tend to get very serious. That one night seriously telling him to stop being a douche and i think smacking him with the reality he was going to lose his true love over it got to em cured it. And theyre now married happily ever after.

Not thats its that easy with all of them, but it worked with him.

My classification of an alcoholic is just someone who drinks every single day of the week.
Well, as a general rule of thumb, yeah. But it's a different kind of getting better for alcoholics.
I know a number of alcoholics, I work at a bar, and I definatley drink more than I should. When I was in school a few years ago I drank every day for almost a year. However, I do not throw up, pass out, or otherwise make a fool of myself anymore. I know composure and when to stop, but I certainly know alot of alcoholics!

The best advice is to tell the landlord the situation. I had a neighbor who sold oxycontin's and his ass got undercover cop'd and sent to rehab/jail. Meanwhile,I grew MJ plants in my closet ^.^

I wish I could tell some stroies of alcoholics, but really too much to type atm.
Stealing your vodka? that's just rude, man.

Hopefully she'll die of liver/kidney failure soon anyway.
So, is this one of your roommates? I don't quite fully understand living with 7 people. Any of them relatives? This person sounds like an ass. Stealing your vodka is pretty low. What does she do around the building? If she barks about the landlord complaining, give here a handheld mirror and say, "This is the reason, take a look."

I almost ready to kick my brother out my apartment. He's lazy and plays Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 all day long. He has no job. He's a complete bum. The only reasons why he's living with me is, because he provides some food and helps clean the apartment. He provides food, because he has food stamps, but he barely cleans the apartment. Anyways, I have reasons why I want to kick him out. I already covered the lazy part. Secondly he steals from me. What really pisses me off is he let's people in my apartment when I'm not at home. They both steal and blame it on one another. The last time, him and his friend stole $40 out of my rent money! As I type this, I want to break his bones. I'm giving him 3 strikes. He's already got two.
He stole $40 and youre giving him strikes?! Dude, kick the little shit out.You're letting him live there rent-free and that's how he repays you!? If you dont kick him out - I will! 8)
Yeah none of these people are relatives. and I live with so many people because rent is so expensive if you share with only a few. This way I have fairly cheap rent (well £380 pcm) I would love to get help for her, but at the end of the day, she is just a stranger to me. Although Ive lived with her for ages, its just getting to the point that she needs to go. Ive heard her on the phone to her ex husband saying how she hasn't drank for 50 days, and please let her move back into the house, its not right that a mother has to move out of the maritial home. Bah! I don't know how she can afford her rent, she never seems to be at work. Because she is next door to my room, i hear her on the phone all the time. Calling her work saying she has a cold blah blah.. My landlord is discussing his options now and we will see what happens. Now 2 of my other housemates have notice to leave because she has complained about them. What a crazy house. But one of the guys leaving has got the best room in the house, so I got my eye on that one. haha

Yeah Ugh, you should kick your brother out. He needs to be welcomed into the real world. Sometimes my brother annoys me that he is still living with my parents, while Ive been out of my parents house now for 6 years. Hes so spoilt and doesnt realise.
Ugh, you gotta kick your brother out now. You're an adult and you've moved out and you're on the up and up. He's going to drag you down.

they speak the truth ugh. best thing you can do for your yourself AND your bro is boot em out.

you could give him a time frame to smarten up, get a job, and stop being a noob, like 2 weeks, or a month. but after that it's bye bye no questions asked.
Everyone on my dad's side of my family drink, all my uncles, aunts and cousins. And everyone on my mom's side smokes pot. And if I can be brutally honest, I'll take the stoners over the drinkers any day of the week,

Some people just can't drink, it changes them. They become unlikeable; violent, angry, mean, self centered, pathetic, etc. When I'm with my mom's family and everyone is high I don't have to worry about an uncle passing out on the coffee table and smashing it. Or an aunt being verbally abusive.

I'm not out to endorse weed. If you can handle your liquor then by all means enjoy it. But if you can't, then maybe you should replace your vice with something that won't have you puking in the bushes.

Our society is so backwards. But hopefully one day we'll smarten up just like how we've slowly smarten up on prejudice over the last 100 years. After-all, people don't change but society can.
Haha I agree wes. I've never seen 2 stoned people fight. It's always just so chill.

Well my housemate has 2 months to get out now. I'm happy. She's been hiccuping for the last 5 hours or more. Can't wait til she's gone. Counting down the days.....
Can't believe I watched that video all the way thru. Well I'm not convinced they were stoned at the time! :p but either way, the effort they put into fighting, they both could've had the dishes done in the same amount of time as the fight :S

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