A New Adventure


Until 2013, I never played an MMORPG before. I heard about Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft, and other games, but they just didn't grab my interest at first. Between being in school and not having a job, there was no way I could pay for an MMORPG or its subscription fees. When Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn came out, I decided to give the game a shot. From that moment on, my gaming habits changed.

I was floored by the stunning visuals at the time. The colorful landscapes, the expressive characters, the flashy spells...it was all there and then some. Every map felt like a new zone to me and I kept pressing on to see what other zones awaited me. Grinding for levels never felt like a chore because I was so engaged with the game. Each quest I took had me excited to see where it would lead. Each new development in the main story had me wondering what would happen next. Leveling up and gaining a new skill had me excited to try it out and wonder what the next skill was. I could not get enough!

I began my journey as a humble Conjurer in the forest city of Gridania. The lush trees and quiet ambiance drew me in as well as the wildlife. I'll never forget how I slung my Stone spells at my foes while quickly trying to cast Cure before I bit the dust (which I did anyway many times). As I progressed in the dungeons and story, my character grew with me. What was once a healer that basically hurled rocks grew into a White Mage that could nuke everything with Holy and save someone on the brink of death with Benediction. The gear making me look like someone with a horrible sense of fashion (straw hat, blue robe, and sandals, never forget!) evolved into the classic White Mage robe. All the gradual changes had me playing the game into the wee hours of the night and I wanted to keep going!

From August 2013, I have played Final Fantasy XIV every single day and have hardly missed a day. While I was not there for 1.0, I was there from A Realm Reborn to the now current Stormblood expansion. I have witnessed every nerf and buff each job received (I am still salty over Holy's nerf years ago), I got to experience the fights as they were before they were nerfed later on (mention Steps of Faith to anyone who experienced it on launch day and watch them curl into a ball and cry). Each moment is a memory for me to recall when I want to feel nostalgic.

While I still play other games, FF14 is my go to game now. 5 years have passed since I've played it and I am not going to slow down. I have never felt excited about a game in so long until FF14 came along. It is a feeling I rarely get to experience, but it is one I have always cherished with this game. Below you can see how much my character has changed.

BSh4Iq2CEAAVd4h.jpg Final Fantasy XIV  A Realm Reborn Screenshot 2018.01.30 -
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Dangerous how?

Probably in regards to time. MMO's can seriously burn up your time and money (if you play a subscription based MMO). I can sort of relate to this. MMO's can be detrimental to your health as well but in all fairness - that's just video games in general, so the genre of MMO is not to blame.

Not to take away from your story, wildmario (because it is a good story), but back in 2007, I used to play a crap load of City of Heroes/Villains. I spent so much time playing that game. I didn't have a job, so whatever money I did have, I was spending on time cards to keep playing. At the time, I didn't do any exercise and I ate a lot of junk food, but I do not blame CoH/CoV on this, again, "video games in general" can do the same thing if you over indulge on things and don't look after yourself, as I once did (edit: video games are not to blame for an unhealthy lifestyle, that comes down to the individual, and back in the day I did not live a healthy lifestyle, that was my fault, not video games).

What I liked about CoH/CoV, which I'm sure many of you can relate in regards to MMO's, is the social aspect. Play with your friends, join a clan/guild/super group, make new friends, play with them, talk to them via Team Speak or Discord... it was a good time. So CoH/CoV wasn't just a game to me, I was hanging out with friends.

Anyway - back to you, wildmario! ;)
I actually had a few online friends warn me to be careful playing FF14 because of the stimga that MMOs carry. I never ignored going to my job or eating because I can't play a game I love if I don't support myself first. I don't know how much subscriptions are in other MMOs, but I pay about $75 for 6 months at a time and I always get my money's worth out of the game. My free company always have social events in game so those are always fun to look forward to!

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